chapter 8

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Barcelona, Spain. Tuesday 3:53PM

Ivan's pov

"But isn't it too early for that?" Emilio asked me gently.

"But Emilio I love him... I'm so in love with him, I don't see myself with anyone else but him" I said, Sitting down next to Emilio on Emilio's bed..

"I know Ivan but you've been together for how long?" Emilio asked, Looking into my eyes.

"Two months.." I said quietly.

"And you already wanna get him a promise ring? What are you gonna do when he doesn't accept it?" Emilio asked.

"I'll respect his choice and save the ring for when he's ready." I said, gently.

Emilio smiled softly and looked at the promise ring I got for boggi.

"You know what? Yeah.. Ask him. Go for it buddy" Emilio said to me gently and patted my back...

I jumped up quickly and rushed into Boggi's room, Boggi looked up from his MacBook Pro laptop and gave me a confused look.

"Get dressed, I'm taking you to the spot" I said, Boggi nodded and began smiling as he jumped up and went over to his closet to get properly dressed.

A few weeks ago boggi and I found a cute little spot around the beach, It's a like a private beach basically. No one knows about it except us obviously.

I snap out of my thoughts when boggi tapped me on the shoulder to tell me he was ready.

I turn around and look boggi up and down, He's wearing  blue denim ripped jeans and a white t-shirt.

I smile, I'm wearing blue denim shorts and a white t-shirt with an oversized blue denim jacket so I guess we're matching today..

"Look at us matching, We're goals" Boggi said happily as he continued smiling a lot.

"Aw baby, Yeah we are" I said smiling as I pecked his lips which of course he pecked my lips back, God I love his lips against mine.



Boggi's POV

We're currently sitting at our secret little beach spot , Watching the sunset. I snuggled up closer to ivan smiling.

Ivan gently set me on his lap facing him,

"I have to ask you something... And if you say no I completely understand and wait and ask again when you're ready" ivan said softly, as he looked into my eyes.

Oh no is gonna ask me to marry him, I mean I would but we've been together only two months... oh who am I kidding I'd say yes anyway..

I nodded slowly and looked into his eyes.

"So u-uhm.. well.. I-.." ivan stuttered, and let out a shaky nervous laugh.

"I just uhm... okay listen boggi.. I know we've only been together for two months... an-and those two months have been the best two months of my life, You make me feel so happy and energized and loved, You make me feel ecstatic and make me feel invincible and strong, you make me feel like me... and You let me be myself around you, without Judging me, you let me vulnerable around you without judgement, you let me speak my mind without judgement... oh baby, I love the way your eyes sparkle when you're happy.. I love your laugh, your voice and laughter is my favorite sounds.. your smile is my favorite smile, your body is my favorite view, your personality is my favorite , I love the way you just own it, ya know? You're just.. you.. perfect little you... I love the way you cuddle up to me when you sleep, as if you're trusting me to protect you as you sleep," ivan said, as he began tearing up

I also began tearing up as well because this is the first time ivan has ever fully let out how he feels about me, himself, and our relationship.

"You put your love and trust into me and I'm always gonna to be thankful of how I'm the first person you go to when you need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to have a good laugh with.. I love your kisses, god you have the best lips, every time we kiss I feel like I'm finally worth it to someone, like I'm somebody to someone... I feel like important to someone... and I don't want that feeling or you to ever go away" ivan spoke softly, as his voice became shaky like he was trying not to cry.

"I need you boggi, I need you in my life, I.. I love you!" Ivan spoke, tears rolling down his cheeks.

I was shocked, he loved me?

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I couldn't stop smiling. "I love y-you too ivan... I really do, I love you so much..." I said gently, this is our first time saying "I love you" to each other

Ivan smiles big as he pulled a small ring box out of his jacket and opened it.

"So.. If you love me so much," ivan said with a slight laugh after a few moments of silence

"Do you promise to be mine? For good?" Ivan finished.

I looked at the ring then looked at him and nodded instantly. "Y-Yes!" I stuttered, as i let him slide the ring on my finger. "Wow it's so gorgeous" I said, admiring the ring.

"The most gorgeous ring for the most gorgeous boy I my life" ivan said gently as he leaned in and kissed me.

I giggled and kissed him back softly, I smiled against his lips.

After a few moments, we pulled away from each other and stared into each other's eyes.

"You're mine, and that makes me so happy" i said gently.

"It makes me happy you're mine too." Ivan replies Softly as he laid his head on my shoulder.

I gently played with his hair. "My baby" I said

"Yourrrrr baby" ivan said, giggling softly.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yes my baby" I said.

Hi guyssss I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any ideas on what should happen next please let me know!! Because I have no clue what to do for the next chapter? Maybe ivan coming out to their family??

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