3. Gaining Trust (Sou x Chubby Eve) - Part 1

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No smut but there's a chubby Eve... read at your discretion.


Truth Be Seen

Eve nervously nibbled on a muffin as he looked around the cafe. It's been a year since Sou went overseas for his studies and tonight, he finally came back.

"Hey Eve! Guess what? I finally came back from my trip overseas!" Sou happily messaged his lover over LINE.

"That's great Sou!" Eve texted back.

"Wanna meet up at the cafe?" Sou suggested.

"Sure, what time?" Eve asked. That's when he received the brunette's call.

"How about tonight?" asked Sou.

"Tonight? Sure..." the mushroom-haired replied.

"It's settled! I'll see you then!"

"Wait Sou--" the brunette hung up before Eve had a chance to confess his appearance.

The arrangements were made, and they decided to meet up the same day Sou returned. And so, Eve was left to run around town trying to find an outfit. What Sou has yet to realize is that Eve accidentally went a bit overboard with his weight...


Sou was usually available when Eve wanted to talk about his struggles. However, because of the time difference, he wasn't available as much, which left Eve to resort to stress eating. To top that off, he had a hectic concert schedule. So the lack of communication had an effect on him. His once pencil-thin physique started to become soft as a small layer of fat covered him. He tried to call Sou before his concert, but he never picked up. Eve crammed more snacks into his mouth before showtime. Luckily for him, the dim lighting and his large clothing prevented them from seeing his small, bulging belly. Once a concert was finished, he ate a hearty meal, and fell asleep right after.

Again, and again: a large calorie-filled breakfast, lunch, snacking before and in between meals, and a meal for two to celebrate his success. He slightly noticed how his clothes strained against and pinched him, but he ignored it. One day, before his concert, he tried to fit into a pair of pants, but he just couldn't seem to button up either his shirt or pants. That's when he decided to look at the mirror and he audibly gasped. He looked at his face, which grew round with chubby cheeks. Then his arms became round and flabby. And finally the area where his weight settled on the most. Letting go of his pants, he slowly cupped his soft mounds of fat underneath his navel, and winced. Small love handles hung from his waist as he turned around to see his back side. He got embarrassed and blushed as he saw his thick thighs and large ass.

"I'm such a pig," he teared up, sniffled, then ran out of the room to compose himself. He performed, but with less confidence as he became conscious of how his soft belly pushed against his pants, and how his thighs always brushed against each other as he walked across the stage. After the performance, he became more insecure about his weight and hardly left the house, unless necessary...


Eve sighed and stuffed another muffin in his mouth. He shifted in his seat, and adjusted his scarf. At the same time, Eve wanted to see his boyfriend again, but at the same time, he didn't. Will Sou point out his weight issue? Or will he ignore it? Not long after scrolling through his phone, Sou tapped Eve's shoulder.

"Excuse me," said Sou, looking around. "I'm looking for Eve..." his voice trailed off as he stared at the mushroom's plump face. Eve left his mouth agape in shock. It slightly broke his heart as he knew what the inevitable happened: Sou didn't recognize him.

"It's me... I'm Eve." He lowered his head to break eye contact. Oh how he wanted to disappear...

"Eve sweetie. I was playing a joke!" Sou tried to nonchalantly say as he took a seat across from Eve. "Yeah, what a joke that was." Eve mumbled as he tried to pull up his scarf higher. What he didn't notice was Sou's eyes glued to Eve's chubby figure. He felt as if his heart was getting stabbed as he didn't receive his hugs and kisses, the greeting that Sou always gave to him.

"Is something wrong?" Sou said as he tried to grab Eve's hands across the table. The mushroom quickly pulled his hands onto his lap, continuing to avoid eye contact. "No.." he grabbed the last muffin and ran out of the shop, leaving a confused Sou.

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