4. Gaining Trust (Sou x Chubby Eve) - Part 2

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Warning: Smut

Stuffed Eve

The mushroom-haired didn't go far, since his home was close by. He gobbled the final muffin, and, out of breath, he shut his front door and placed his back on it, sliding down from his fatigue. Uncontrollable tears spilled from his blue eyes as he hoped Sou wouldn't follow him back, but low and behold, minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door. "Eve, are you there?" asked the blonde-haired man. No response. Eve tugged on his sleeves to quiet his voice as Sou pressed his ear to the door. "Eve, I know you're there. Do you want to talk about something?"

"You know what I want to talk about!" Is what the chubby boy wanted to say as he hiccuped, and placed his hands on his stomach, hearing the soft gurgle, as if his stomach wanted to give the response. Eve stayed sitting on the floor for what felt like an eternity until he heard Sou's feet shift from side to side. "Hey... I understand it's been a while since we talked--"

"--talked?! You didn't even respond to me when I needed you the most!" Eve frowned and sniffled. "The Sou I knew was there when I needed help..." Sou stepped back, obviously hurt by the mushroom's response. He placed his hands on the door and leaned in.

"...I know. But you know how hectic it was attending class. And the time difference didn't help either.... Eve, can you please open the door--"

"No! I refuse!" Eve struggled to get up, feeling his legs have the numbing static from sitting too long. As he rose, he felt his stomach slightly jiggle, and he sighed.

"You just hate me! You probably hate that I'm fa--" He cupped his hands to his mouth to stifle his crying once more.

"Eve...? You know I don't hate you. I never hated you. I don't know what happened that got you to believe that, but you know that no matter what happens, I still love you." Sou pressed his chest and mouth to the door. "You've been through a lot sweetie... and I just want to help my angel feel better again."

Sou heard Eve's crying lowered. The silence lingered on until the blonde heard clicks from the lock and the door, which opened a crack.

"....you promise you won't say anything about something?" Eve softly spoke, on the brim of crying once more.

"I don't know what this something is but I'm here to listen to whatever's troubling you." Sou reached into his pocket and pulled out a wrinkled plastic flower.


"In case you need some company." The mushroom-haired man said as they hugged one last time before Sou boarded his flight. The blonde man looked back as he saw his boyfriend's bright smile, his teary eyes. Then he looked at the flower he received just now. Throughout his trip abroad, Sou kept it with him at all times in the pockets of his pants. The picture frame of his lover was his company in those times....


The blonde softly slid his left hand past the crack for Eve to look at. Eve quietly gasped. "The flower..." He hesitantly grabbed Sou's hand. It was warm and inviting. He cupped his hands in an awkward attempt to hold his lover's. "It is you. It is Sou!" Tears started to trickle as he softly pulled Sou inside. The entrance room was dark, but Sou could faintly see his lover's tears as he pulled him closer. The mushroom-haired hung his head as he used his sleeve to dry his tears.

"May I... hug you?" Sou asked. Eve hesitantly opened his arms and slowly nodded his head. Sou went in and squeezed him. He finally broke down and sobbed, taking Eve by surprise.

"I'm sorry Sou..." Eve said as he rubbed Sou's back and turned on the lights.

"I...I g-got fat.. (sniffles) I'm sorry that I'm a pig." Eve cried, again. Sou stopped squeezing him and cupped his hands on his cheeks, feeling how round they've become, and how a soft double chin hung on his lover's neck. The blonde leaned in for a surprise kiss. Eve, with eyes wide open, blushed. He closed his eyes and bear hugged Sou. Sou broke the kiss, and smiled.

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