Chapter 7

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4/7/20 The corona is still going on. I would just like to point out if you stay inside we can be free faster like China. Anyway how y'all corona break going cause we have a big pool at my house and we been getting in there it's fun. ^^^ watch the video 😂😂💀I can't get over this song🤣🤣.

"Baby come on tell me," he said looking straight into my eyes, "you been acting weird all day mamas tell me."

I looked up at him and burst out into tears. I was a mess I knew something was wrong when I missed my period and started throwing up everywhere. I'm scared to tell him I'm only sixteen I couldn't do this. I couldn't tell him I was pregnant.

I guess me crying caught him off guard cause he almost had a panic attack he didn't know what to do.

"Baby what's wrong," he said frantically, "I can't help you unless you tell me what's wrong." He was so good to me. He always listened and treated me right I knew right now me crying must tearing him apart. Especially cause he just told me he loved me the other day. What if he doesn't love me anymore after this? What if he doesn't want the baby? Am I going to be single parent? Or what if he wants me to get an abortion?

I can't do that my mama would kill me especially because it took her so many tries to have me, her only daughter. I looked at his face, like really looked at him. He was looking at me waiting for me to talk to him. He knew if I was quiet for awhile it was best for him to be too. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and whispered how he loved me in my ear and nothing would change that. He knew about my habit to overthink and how I wasn't self-confident at all. That's why I loved him, he always knew how to calm me down. So I took a breath and I said it.

"I'm pregnant."

"KIM WAKE UP!!" I jumped up out of bed sweating and breathing like crazy. I looked around my room and saw Tee standing looking at me with buck eyes. I calmed down immediately and sat back down on my bed. I saw Kiki and K'ian on the bed cuddled up, still sleeping.

"You good girl," Tee said still looking at me.

"Yea I'm ok just had a lil dream,"I said, "I'm all good tho."

Scratching my head I got up and went into the bathroom, while Tee walked over and got K'ian lil butt. He started to wake up and whine how he wanted to stay with Kima and Ki. Don't ask which one of us is which because I don't even know. If he feel like I'm Kima then that's what I am, if he feel I'm Ki then that's what I am. He doesn't care, to him, we both the same person. In this case I was Ki and Kiki was Kima.

"Ok, bye Kim thank you for stealing my son," she said with one of her hands on her hip. I started laughing.

"I'm sorry, me and Khris already knew what y'all was about to do so we got him and left, so you welcome," I said.

She started blushing and walked out the door with K'ian waving bye, while pouting, at me and Kiki who had just woke up on the bed. She was a little disoriented but then she started waving back at him.

I went back in the room and grabbed her so I could give her a bath and take one myself I usually take showers but not with her cause she act like she be drowning when the water go down her head. She doesn't like it at all.

After our bath time I brought her in the room and lotion her up and got my hygiene done. We had a doctors appointment today so wouldn't I be going to school. Imma text Xander later and tell him I'm not going to school today.

I don't think I could anyway not with that dream. Dream. Yea I wish that's what that was, but it wasn't. It was a memory of my baby daddy and also the only person I ever fell in love with, well before Kimo. I loved him. He was everything to me.

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