Chapter 9

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This video so funny 😂. Anyways shoutout to @AliyxB again 😘. Her so sweet and idk wtf going on with Wattpad this bitch won't shoutout nobody I put up there.😒!

Xane's POV

I know he mad at me but that doesn't mean he can just disappear whenever he wanted. I told him I would apologize.

Now where is his ass. I pull out my phone to look at the tracker I put in him in case he got kidnapped. Thankfully he didn't he was just across the street.

Walking across I noticed it was just a park and he was sitting with his "Bestie". I mean come on I could be his bestie.

I'm way better than her. Look at me, I looked for him when he was lost. She wasn't even at school because of an "doctors appointment".

Pffffttt please if he was my bestie I wouldn't leave him alone by himself.

(At this moment Xane didn't know he was pouting like a big ass baby. All because he wanted all his brothers attention and not like incest it was more like a father-son relationship. Since he was the one to raise him.)

I walked over and just as I was about to call him he kisses her. Like on the lips. I thought he told me he was gay. I mean it doesn't matter but it's a little shocking.

I mean his "bestie" even had a shocked look on her face. While he just acted like everything and started playing with the baby on his lap.


"WHA-," I started to yell when "bestie" looked at me and shook her head. For once I closed my mouth. She motioned for me to come here. I ran my ass over there.

"Um, what the fuck just happened," I said as soon as I got to her.

"He said I remind him of his mamà," she said looking up at me.

What the fuck was I supposed to say to that. I looked back at him to see him still playing with the baby. Speaking of

"Um ok that's not weird," I said, "who baby." I pointed to the baby Xanny was holding.

"Well mine," she said, "I popped her outta my vagina. It hurted." She frowned.

So she just gone say that and not react. Ok, ok we can do this. I'm good at dealing with crazy bitches. Well not really, I usually just cut them open and skin them. Hmmm should I- no I told Xanny I'd try.

"What's wrong with him," I said, "why is he acting like it didn't happen."

"Did you know he's into light age play," she said looking at me like I knew what the fuck she talking about. It must've been some on my face cause she sighed then explained.

"He goes into this thing called little space where he acts like a kid. This park must have triggered it because he called me mommy. Not in a nasty way that's why he does light little space," she explained.

"So what, he's still gay or what," I asked, "it doesn't matter I'm just saying is he ok."

"I don't know," she said shrugging, "I hope he's ok."

"Let's go find out," I said and started walking over there.

"Topolino," I called. He turned looked at me and smiled. Like blinding smiling. It was contagious I smiled back. (Little mouse)

"Bubba," he said and jumped on me when "Bestie", man I really need to learn her name, got her baby. (Big brother)

"You ok topolino," I asked and kissed his forehead. He started giggling and nodding. (Little mouse)

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