Chapter 3 - Intense Stares

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Chapter 3 - Intense Stares


• • • Win's POV • • •

" Shiaaa(shit)... " , I cursed in a low voice, covering myself with a booklet.

I cannot believe what's happening right now. The guy that I confronted last night was the son of our university president!?


Okay, calm down Win. He'll probably won't mess with you or threaten you, hopefully.

" You okay? " , New asked and I took a glance in front and luckily, our professor and that transferee was not around.

" Let's pray my life won't be a mess " , I said, as I crossed my fingers and sighed.

" Why? Is everything okay? " , Mew asked, and I shooked my head

" I knew it. You have a crush on the transferee, don't you? " , Mild teased, as he raise his eyebrows at me

" IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS " , I almost yelled, with a bit disgust on my tone.

" Defensive much? Too obvious, sweetie " , Mild teased once again as my friends laughed and I rolled my eyes at them

" He really is a hot guy, isn't he? But he's not my type tho~ Win can have him all " , New said, as he winked at me and I glared at him.

" I'm still the most good looking here " , Gulf said, boasting about his looks

" In my eyes, you are " , Mew looked into his boyfriend's eyes and winked at him

" Oiii, you two! Get a room! " , Mild exclaimed.

While listening to their conversation, I realized that I was already staring blankly to a wall.

" Someone's daydreaming here " , Mild stated as he placed his arms around me.

" Hey! Something's really bothering you. What's the matter? " , New asked as they all looked at me waiting for an answer

" I'm about to share it but you guys kept teasing me and not listening to me. " , I explained

" Sorry sorry. Okay, we'll hear it " , Mild said

" Yeah. Tell us. " , Mew added

I've take a deep breath and I've told them the story about what happened last night, how I confronted the guy from the next door, in detail.

" Whoa. This is the second time you confronted a guy except from your ex tho " , Mild said and New hit him in the shoulders, because he knew I don't like it when my ex is being brought up into a conversation.

" Well he's being rude to me so what type of behavior does he expect for me? Anyways, let's not talk about my ex " , I explained as emphasized the last sentence and Mild mouthed 'sorry'

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