Chapter 5

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The day before our departure finally arrived. And, since it was the last day of our visit here, my mum took me and my brother for a 'little' shopping in the local market. Meanwhile, dad decided to sleep in the cottage after doing so many 'fun' activities. And that is how I ended up standing with 3 shopping bags in my hands on the cottage door.

"Dad, we're back!" my brother's voice rang throughout the house, waking Dad up.

"Hey!" Dad replied in a lazy voice, still half asleep.

"Look Dad what all things we have brought." Sam jumped on the bed ecstatically and started opening the bags, all of them at once.

I was thirsty, so I went into the kitchen. My mom and brother had opened all of the bags and were showing all sorts of things we had managed to bring, to my 'most' interested dad.

I returned with a bottle in my hand for mum and Sam, which involuntarily fell from my shaking hands due to the shock of the scene that was before my eyes. My mouth all of a sudden felt dry as sand. What I was seeing seemed unrealistic to my eyes. But I knew it was there and it was all real. The panorama ingrained itself into my being and shook me to the core of my existence.

My dad was lying unconscious on the bed, amidst the mess of various things. And my mom and Sam were not in the room. Instead... they were inside the huge mirror that was hanging in front of the bed, with ...with... my sister, Sami. Their eyes bored into mine and the devilish grins on their faces reflected their intentions.

But they weren't looking happy.

I SAW HER IN THE MIRRORWhere stories live. Discover now