where' are you Loki

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Thor POV
After I told Jane that I'm going back to Asgard . She called me again and shot me with thousand of question . I just smashed the phone with frustration as I didn't have the patience to answer her . I started to plan my way back to Asgard. How I miss it?. Hemidall welcomed me in.
Hemidall :Thor, I know the reason for your arrival.

Thor : I never thought this would be so easy.

I stated with a smile. If I reach Midgaurd before noon I can still go out with Jane

Hemidall :I'm sorry I can't help you

Thor :what ❓

Hemidall:I'm forbidden to reveal the truth.

He's loyal to the allfather. I can get nothing out from him .I started to walk in haste. I entered the Thorne hall.  It was magnificent as ever I could remember
Al father was seated in the Thorne. I bowed before him. He smiled at me

Odin: what a pleasant surprise ,Thor. I thought you would never return ?

He headed  toward me. And hugged me

Me:father I'm here for a business. I'm asked to bring Loki , father
Father took a step back

Odin: if that's son, I can't help you . you have to find him yourself. I have something to check on .good to see you son would you stay for dinner ?
He walked away from me leaving me alone in the Thorn room. I heaved a sigh
I decided to visit my friend. They can shed some light.
I headed toward the arena . I know they will be there this time
I saw fandral and volstagg practicing swords.
I ran toward them. They looked at me in surprise . They gave me a group hug

Hogan:at least now have we crossed your mind. We missed you Thor.

Me:I did too but I'm here to take Loki to Midgaurd. Man of iron wants him

Fandral stepped back first, followed by others
Sif :we have no idea where is he. By the way you don't care about us .

I smiled at her. But I took fandral with me. No one might have the knowledge where Loki could be BUt I bet my life Fandral Knows it . I  know fandral . He loved Loki instead of telling his love to Loki he told me . That's where he had mistaked. He should have told Loki not to me. I being Loki's  big brother well possessive  pervert. When ever fandral made a move to reach Loki. I did my best to spoil it
Well how can you fight for your love who is your brother. And your friend who loves your brother .
So I told fandral that Loki will never love a peasant like him. Which is not true. Yeah I lied about him. After the destruction of  the realms. I guess fandral would have hated him. At least he might have tried. I waited for my friends to go to their respected work and then con

Me:fandral tell me where is he?

Fandral:for what, Thor ? So that you can destroy him, Break him. How can you expect me to betray him Thor. I ,who loved him,who knows his innocence ,will never tell where he is kept . I don't believe you and definitely not  your new friends . You will kill him for sure.

Me: I don't know why they want him . But I'll assure you I'll keep him safe

Fandral :I will even believe your so called friends. But never you. I still  remember how you left when he needed you the MOST!!

He still love him and ever will.

Me: I known you don't want to me having to tell  about your  little love you have for Loki, but if you refuse to tell me where he is then. I have too.

Fandral: if that's how I can save him. Let it be.

He walked away from me. I decided to return to earth . But I decided to visit my mother before I could leave . She was on her bed. She looked I'll but her eyes  said she was worried.
I went to her bedside. She looked at me.

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