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Clint pov

It's  been two hours since loki has been sleep on me .the poor guy looked so lost in the elevator . I might not accept when Tony made him his brother.  But after seeing him so distressed I want to protect him so badly .

He's now in deep slumber for all I know. I kiss his forehead he got himself a second brother now. I will slay anyone who hurts him .its not a threat its a promise.

Whatever happened to him has broken him .Tony walked in breaking my trail of thoughts .he had a serum in his hand .he took lokis hand and injected the serum into him.

Tony : i have given him a dosage of anesthesia .will carry him to the lab

Clint : yeah will do  .

I carried him out .we entered the elevator. When we reached the lab .I layed him on the stretcher as tony told me to lay him .

He started the computer and did a few scans on loki .
He tried to strap him to the strecher. loki suddenly woke .his green eyes dilated  .he started to hyperventilating just like he did in the elevator. His eyes started to roll back . His legs were kicking .he was surrounded by a green flame .though he didn't harm anything neared him .he was resisting against something. Something that made him lose his calm facade. Then his whole body started to turn blue .and his body released a seldr ring which throwed us to the wall .I looked at tony who tried standing up .I rushed over his side and helped him up

TONY : Avengers meeting. Friday scan loki .and call others for the meeting.

Time skip .
Every one knew this was about loki .Practically, every one could see the mother hen in him pooping out
Tony played the  records of the elevator and the  clinics camera .Thor was the first to respond. And his response was something I expected.

Thor : Where is loki ?

Tony : I don't think its wise for you to see him .

Thor's eyes started to go white .the current was radiating from him . He was not just angry he was devastated . I had feelings this might end up badly if he didn't see Loki

Clint: I will take you to him .come on let's go .

I said to  him . Hopping it would  calm him a bit . His nevers calmed a bit down. Tony wanted to argue but i signed him that it was not the best time . We entered the elevator. I tried to lit up his mood with some jokes but he didn't respond to me .


I  have to be honest, I was scared. Scared of losing him . the moment when the elevator stopped i rushed out .Loki was laying there his beautiful blue skin shining under ghe light .his hands had red marks . I went next to him
and took his hand in mine before kissing it I took a stool that was laying on the ground and sat beside him .His breath hitched for movement and he looked like he was about to wake up . I placed a kiss on his forehead ,cheek and pecked his lips .before removing the strap on hip .I carried him in bridal style to towards the elevator.

I decided to take him to my bedroom. I could see Barton trying to say something. But my focus was on Loki . he was my priority now and will be forever. I layed him 0n my bed removing his clothes .I removed my clothes entered the other side and got close to him.
Loki snuggled close to me ,his bare skin against mine and whispered something that  i only heared in my dreams.


Clint left us .

Tony pov

We were waiting for either of them to return. The elevator door opened and Clint walked in .

Tony: .Where is Thor? why didn't he come along with you ?

Clint :  he's with loki .both are sleeping in the bed butt naked .

Tony  :   Why did you let him ?.......sigh you know what I will talk to him .

I walked towards the elevator when Hawkeye blocked my way .i looked up at him

Clint : its not good going now .

Tony  :  he's my brother. I have to make sure he's safe.

Clint : And he called Thor Alpha .

And that words made me dumbfounded. ALPHA. THOR IS HIS ALPHA .LOKI IS AN OMEGA THEN .how could I miss this ?. He's going to go through his heat .he was triggered by the electric shock he received from hawks arrow.


I pulled my hair. This answer everything. Loki wanted his Alpha near him .when he sensed someone other than his alpha his subconscious attacked them .if loki is going through heat he might release his scent. And that might make others go crazy.

Tony : guys loki is going through heat.

STEVE : Explain heat

Tony : loki is an frostgaint .frostgaint have both male and female parts . When they mate one becomes submissive and the other becomes his dominant .One who bottoms is omega and the one who tops is alpha and this how sex works and they reproduce. And lokis subconscious thinks Thor is his Alpha .during this mate the omega release scent that attracks the alpha .his body submits to the alpha .the omega yearns for the alpha .

Steve :  like werewolf.

Tony :  almost. Wait how do you ?

Steve : fanfictions ,

Steve blushes and turns away .

Nat : so what should we do .

Tony :  I read those scent can make anyone go crazy. So dont go to his floor unless and until loki comes out .

Every one just nodded.

Tony: they are going to fuck like bunnies in heat.

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