There's a first for everything

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Oh gosh...This.


There's a first for everything

There are first birthdays. First, days of school, first friends. You know, the regular stuff a 10-year-old would think firsts of. Now it was June 2010. This is a first I won't forget.

James was out of the country with his mom. Jayden and I got a lot closer now. We were best friends.

I was over at Jayden's house one weekend, and we started watching a movie. Well, I wanted to watch a movie. Jay was not in the mood at all. Yea, I now call him Jay after he made his nickname for me. Well after, begging and some more begging, he finally gave in to the movie. I chose the movie, of course, it was one of our favourites; Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

We sat and watched. I ate cherries, and Jayden sat there in a mood chewing on some mints. I love cherries. Eventually, my mouth was tinted red, but I did not care at all. I was too busy enjoying myself.

During the movie, I fell asleep. Jayden was not happy about that at all. I was a very heavy sleeper too. Jayden was also probably very bored and annoyed. I made him watch a movie we have watched like fifty times already, by himself. He took my heavy sleeping to his advantage.

So, he picked me up and brought me to his homework room. He locked the door and killed all the lights except for a bright lamp. He also had a lemon slice. I was still asleep until I tasted sour citrus. I was about to have a fit, but then I saw what Jayden was wearing, and I was dying with laughter. He had this strange Sherlock outfit going on.

After laughing, I realized something was not right. I was in a dark room, Jayden was dressed as Sherlock Holmes, and my hands were tied behind me. Jayden took a step towards me, and I quickly questioned him, "Jayden? What are you doing?" He replied breathlessly in a low whisper, "you ate all my cherries." I could smell his minty breath from close he was towards me. I laughed at him, "Real funny, Jayden, let me go."

"No." He said.

I asked him, "Why?"

His response, "you made me watch that movie all by myself while you slept, plus you ate all my cherries."

"I never ate all your cherries!" I fired back.

He continued to tell me that there is a bowl full of pits, my fingers were red, and my lips were too. I began to laugh again because I thought he was crazy. I decided to see where he was going with this, "how do I get out of the chair without the use of my hands then?" I questioned Jayden.

"Admit you ate all the cherries." He chirped. "Or what?" I said. He stood there, thinking for the longest minute ever. Then he smirked. It was no ordinary smirk. It was Jayden's famous evil kinda smirk. I hated it.

"Or kiss me." He said with that stupid smirk on his face. I probably looked at him like he had two heads. I believed that he had gone mad. Now this time, he was the one who was laughing. "I'm joking, Mads. I will just throw you out my bedroom window." He said with a serious face. He was serious. I couldn't believe he would do something like that.

Jayden picked me up, and I started screaming immediately. I began kicking at him as he walked up the stairs. Where in the world was Beth? Jayden had my feet out the window, and I managed to scream at the top of my lungs. Finally, Miss Beth decided to show up not concerned at all at the site she's witnessing and said, "you two screaming children go solve your problems downstairs on the mat, try not to kill each other. Oh, and Jayden baby, untie the poor girl, c'mon, be a man." She flexed her arms and walked away laughing.

The mat. It was a wrestling ring. Also known as the problem solver. The rules are simple; two people are in the ring at a time. They say 3,2,1 at the same time and begin. No mercy is shown. Ever. The first to pin the other to the mat for 7 seconds wins, and the problem beforehand goes away forever.

Let the battle begin.

Jayden was in one corner. I was at the other. "3...2...1." We said in unison. We were off, Jayden was a couple of inches taller than me, but I believed I was stronger and faster. I attacked first. I got behind him and pushed his knees in. He fell immediately. He tried sweep kicking my legs. I saw it coming and jumped and tried to pin him down. He played dirty and began to tickle me to loosen my grip. He slipped away, although I was not willing to give up.

I had the speed, but Jayden had the stamina. He faked a push, and I jumped back, thinking he would push me. I was wrong. He was fast and swept my legs. I went down, and he was quick to hold my shoulders and legs to the mat.

"1...2...3...4........5" He counted. I closed my eyes, trying to think. I needed to get up someway. "...6....." He was too strong, using his weight to his advantage. It was no use. "7," I said in my head, right before Jayden kissed me.

It was like time froze even though everything happened so quickly. I had a very hard time registering what happened. After I came back from my zoning out, Jayden was back in his corner, staring at me with wide eyes, probably taking in what he just did, and not believing it himself.

I didn't believe it either.

I had to leave. My head was all over the place, all I smelt and tasted was mint and cherries, and I felt like everything was going so fast, I couldn't keep up, nor breathe. The air felt thin. I ran home, leaving Jayden there alone to ponder in his shocked state.

He stole my first kiss was all I thought for the next couple of days. I kinda avoided him for a bit, not believing what had happened.

Good thing it never happened.




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