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'If you don't text me by 2:15 I'm done.'


"You can't just do stuff like that Jayden!" I yelled as I hung up the phone.

Jayden has been acting crazy. He's been doing some things behind my back. Or should I say under my nose...

He hacked into my social media accounts. Then he would text people off of my account.

He ruined my friendship with Rose. He scared her away. I know I have issues but he did not have to tell the only girl I trust at my school that I am stuck in a deep depression that would trigger me to do things. He made it sound like it was all coming from me. Then he would see the guys I interact with and go berserk.

What was his problem? He got out of a relationship a couple of weeks ago. I told him the psycho would get on his nerves. Then all of a sudden Jay says things to me. Jayden has always been somewhat of a flirtatious person with me, but this was beyond his limits. He acts as if he can't have me no one can.

He blackmailed me with Rose. Who does that? He's always been overprotective of me, but this situation is different. Jayden loves being the hero. It was always like that when we were younger.

We were 16. Things are different. He lives in another country.

From earlier this year, Jayden has become aquatinted with one of my friends, Divinity. Whenever I was supposedly stubborn, and wouldn't communicate with Jay. He would go to her to get to me.

I felt bad that she was usually in the middle of our ongoing feuding. She tried helping us, it didn't go well.

Divinity and I are so very different, but work together very well. She can be trusted. Although things can get difficult fast. Especially when it has to do with Morgan and I. Her positive mindset gets ignored a lot because I either feel nothing at all or feel everything at once. Most of the time I saw red...I prefer my friends not being antiquated with my other friends.

I was a really bad friend at the time. I didn't really care about anyone. Jayden was my life 24/7. I lashed out at the people who were actually there for me. People like Divinity.

Jayden can have a potty mouth. He could have a lot of colourful vocabulary when he's upset. I hate curse words. I won't lie. I let them slip when I'm enraged.

I was done with Jay's possessiveness. It was practically his only bad trait. I needed time to cool down.

Throughout the time I avoided Jay. He decided to go through Divinity. I wasn't going to budge. Then Divinity forwarded an ultimatum to me.

If you don't text me by 2:15 I'm done.

What did Jayden mean he was done? He couldn't be serious. I wanted to see where this was all going.

Divinity begged me to text him. I didn't get what was the big deal. So I decided to text Jayden at 2:16.

He didn't reply.

I continued to send messages. They weren't even being read. Maybe he was busy and forgot.

I called his cell... straight to voicemail.

I called Beth. It rang once then went to voicemail. It had to be Jay because she would never decline my calls.

A few minutes later I got a call back from Beth. She said she was doing some paperwork and didn't have her phone on her.

That's how I knew Jay declined the call.

I asked her to speak to him. As she tried to give him the phone. He didn't take it. I heard the whole encounter.

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