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15 December 2015. 3:50 pm

I put my key in the door and opened it. I stepped in and I was speechless. It was pin-drop silent. The walls were bare. The closets, bare. Office. Study. Bedroom. Playroom. All bare. Everything. Everyone was gone.

Two weeks earlier

Jayden and I were at my place. He had been wanting to hang out a lot lately, especially since he finally knows where I live. I haven't been to his house for a good month.

Yes, through our eight years of being friends I have never told Jay where I lived. That was beside the point.

He was so peppy lately. It had been nice. A little bit of a change is good. He was teaching me some quadratics stuff for math. We kinda made it into a challenge. It has been a while since we had done one of them.

For every answer I get right, he has to learn the steps to a dance. I am much more graceful than he will ever be.

We ended up not completing either my math or the dance. We distract each other too much. It's not my fault, Jayden was very distracting. He was quietly sitting in front of me, but he was staring at me... very intently. All of a sudden he would raise his hand, and keep it in the air. Then he would just touch my face. Who wouldn't be distracted?

Jayden was only distracted because he was sitting there bored. He understands the work. I do not. That's why I had him over. To teach me, not to play games with me. Jay also has a short attention span when he wasn't doing anything.

The following week.

11 December 2016.

I haven't seen Beth much lately. Jay just told me that she had been busy. He had been busy too. He was telling me a while go that he has been waiting for a school to accept or decline him. He was super nervous. Jay wanted to get into Harvard. His dad went there.

I've also been really busy lately. Trying to get in final assignments and keeping up with my extracurriculars. I barely had time for myself, or to meet up with Jayden.

I should go check up on him later this week.

15 December 2015

5:45 am

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. Ugh, I did not want to get up. I wasn't tired. I just don't really sleep in general. I get at least 2 to 3 hours here and there. I just really didn't want to go to school. Don't get me wrong I loved going to school. But today was one of those days where I would just rather stay in bed and read a book. Or have a movie day with Jay. Although, I couldn't afford to miss a day of school. Especially so close to winter break.

I got up.

Class doesn't start till 8:45. I only wake up early because if I wake up after six in the morning I get very cranky. I don't know why. That's just me.

I haven't seen Jayden all week. I barely had time to text him. I was so busy. I knew he probably was too. I was planning on paying him and Beth a visit today after school.

Jayden's school ends at 1:50. So he should be home when I'm done with band practice. My school ends at 2:45 and band practice ends at 3:30.

The school day was hectic. Assignments were being handed out, out of nowhere. I just wanted this break to come.

Finally the end of the school day... wait I have band practice. Okay. After my arm spasming five times from holding my trumpet and my lips pulsing from them being sore. I was finally able to go to Jay's place.

I made it and Beth's car wasn't in the driveway. She probably went Christmas shopping with Kaitlyn. They both act like teenagers. I assumed Jay was home so I used my key and entered the side door.

Everything was gone. All pictures, clothes, furniture. Gone. The house was a ghost town. Jay was clearly not there either. Where in the world did they go?

I went home and texted Jayden right away. I wasn't going to play dumb or sugar coat it. I asked him where he was straight up.

Do you know what he said? He said he was home. I told him I was just there and the house was empty. He continued to tell me that he was home. He sent me a picture of his bedroom. I was getting upset, so I said 'if you are home take a picture of outside and send it to me.' He couldn't reply. He admitted that he moved earlier that week.

Is that why he tried to keep me away from his house for the past three months? He didn't want to tell me he was leaving.

I asked him where he lives now. I felt like I was stabbed in the chest. He was 766 kilometres away. He moved to New York. He moved to the US and didn't bother telling me.

He never seemed to stay in one place. From the UK to Canada. Now he lives in the US.

I only asked him why didn't he tell me. He said he tried. He said he was going to do it on Halloween but I ran away from him before he could.

31 October 2015

I was walking home from school with my friend Harper. I had my binder in hand because I prefer that my basketball stays in my bag. I dropped Harper off at home before making my way home. I prefer that I make sure my friends get home safely before I head back to my place.

Along my way, I felt like someone was watching me but there was no one in sight. I thought I was paranoid.

Until Jayden, came out and scared the crap outta me. I dropped my binder. We both went down to pick it up. Our heads smacked into each other. Jay tried steadying the both of us but he fell back and I fell forward and I kissed him by accident.

Jayden the one who has feelings, overreacted a lot. Making me feel super uncomfortable.

I didn't want Jayden to see my face so I ran home, without taking a second look back.

December 15, 2015

4:30 pm

It was not my fault that he couldn't tell me. He could've simply ran after me. Which he didn't. Or he could've told me during the three months of us hang out before he left!

I was so upset with him. I thought we were better than that. He pulled a James. But in the worst way ever. No communication. He did it on purpose.

It's not all his fault. It's mine too. Jayden did ask me one day in the summer if he were to get into Harvard. Would I rather him stay in Canada with me. Or would I be okay if he moved to the states? I would never get in the way of his education. That was the only way I knew he wanted to connect with his dad. I couldn't stop that. Then he said what if he moved for a high school. I told him the same thing.

I never thought he would mean it.

I never thought he would mean it

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Hmm? I like where this is going.

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