Chapter 10

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Peacemaker helped his mother place Kinkajou on a bed of leaves, in a room that smelt of apples, they draped a blanket made of vines over her, than Peacemaker places Kinkajou's earring in her palm, and walked away with his mother, as Darkstalker thought to himself Now I just need to keep Peacemaker and any others away from her earring, I know......I will just enchant it so it takes the spell off of the earring. he casted the spell any saw a tiny piece of white light leave the earring. "Mom, should we tell Moon that Kinkajou is sick?" Peacemaker asked and his mother responded "I don't think she is sick dear but yes, we should probably tell her friends about this." As they flew through the trees to go tell Queen Glory about how Kinkajou went unconscious. When they arrived they waited in line for about an hour when Peacemaker spotted Pineapple "Hi Peacemaker!" She whispered loudly, and in response he waved back at her, before they moved up in the line. Finally a few minutes later it was their turn and Queen Glory asked kindly "Yes Hope?" As his mother shuffled around a bit before saying back "We found Kinkajou unconscious in our house, Peacemaker, my son here, said he saw her collapse on the floor, for seemingly no reason." Glory's eyes widened before she took off in the air with Deathbringer close behind her. Peacemaker took off after the queen and so did his mother. Darkstalker thought to himself Well this shall be very very interesting.

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