18.Not so Evil

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Tokoyami woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. Sitting up on the couch where he had slept, he rubbed his eyes and saw that Deku was in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey, are you sure that we can trust this guy?"

The voice belonged to Tokoyami's sentient quirk, Dark Shadow. As he inhabited his body, Dark Shadow was able to communicate telepathically with Tokoyami. Tokoyami thought about it for a second, unsure what he thought about him.

"I'm not sure yet, he's a confusing one. He attacked and heavily injured Kirishima and Bakugou during the USJ,but it was just to get revenge for 11 years of abuse and Kirishima was just in the way. He's a villain, yet he helped me out."

"But he's clearly isn't very stable. You saw him yesterday when he was telling his backstory and also for a bit afterwards."

"Well considering his circumstances, it could be much worse. He's fighting that side of him, if he wasn't then I'm sure he would have broken a long time ago. Besides, I can tell that there is good inside him."

"Well sure, but there's hatred and insanity inside as well. Right now, those two sides are in a delicate balance. Yesterday is proof of that. He can easily sway between the two sides, and one day something might come that shatters that balance. And if he gives in to his darker side, then there won't be any coming back."

"Hey you two done talking yet, breakfast is ready," Deku called as he set two plates on the table.

Tokoyami gave him a surprised look. "Wait what, how did you know I was talking with Dark Shadow?"

"Weren't you listening to me when I said what I did for the League? While it is rare, you aren't the only one with a sentient quirk, and in most of those cases, both quirk and host can communicate telepathically. Besides with the face you were making, you were either trying to take a dump on my couch or you were in a deep conversation."

Tokoyami blushed. "Wait, was I really making a face like that?"

"Not exactly, but I wanted to mess with you. Now come and eat before the food gets cold."

After they ate, Deku showed Tokoyami around his place a bit while going more into detail about what he did. He also explained what Tokoyami would be helping him with for the time being. For now, he was just to help Deku organize and complete his analysis of quirks.

"So you take all these notes simply from observing other people's quirks," Tokoyami asked. "I can't believe it."

He had looked through one of the books out of curiosity. The way it was so detailed in how the quirks were structured, their weaknesses and how they could be improved. Well, Tokoyami couldn't deny he was impressed, and Dark Shadow agreed with him. Currently they were moving around some notes, and organizing them. So far Deku seemed to be keeping to his word about what Tokoyami would be doing for him. Why was he going along with it? It was a much better option than becoming one of those Nomu creatures, and he decided it would be better to go along with it for now, at least until someone came for him.

"Thanks, here's one from the sports festival. Details about your quirk should be in this one," Deku offered. "The rest are filled with notes on other competitors."

Tokoyami's jaw wide dropped open. He was speechless. Deku laughed at his reaction, though he really couldn't blame him. There weren't many who were actually capable of that sort of thing.

"Y-y-y-you took notes on every single competitor," Tokoyami stuttered.

Deku nodded.

"I had a monitor to help me. I'm not that fast," he reasoned.

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