The plane

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Harry P. O. V

I woke up just to see that I was the first one to be awake. I looked over at Ron, who's eyes were fixed on me.

"Morning" said Ron with a sleepy voice, while waking up.

"Good morning, Ron" I said while looking at the time.

"Thank god it's only 5 am, l I better start packing" I said getting up from the bed.

"I still don't understand why Dumbledore should put you to go with that ferret in a vacantion, it makes no sense" said Ron with an eyebrow raised.

"Well he's Dumbledore, what do you expect from him. Anyway I have to go early at class today, bye Ron!" I said hurrying out the door.

"Bye mate!" Was the only thing I heard before making my way through the common room and thinking how the day was going to be.

TIME SKIP (aka I'm last af)

Draco P. O. V

"Ok boys, the plane is up in ten minutes, do you have everything you need?"asked Dumbledore while hugging me and Potter.

"Yes, professor!" Said Potter, and I only nodded.

"Alright then, good luck boys! Bye!"

"Bye professor!"

"Listen scarhead, I will go first in the plane-" but I didn't finish because Potter started talking over me.

"Wait, what do you mean you go first? Nobody asked you to go first!!" I can't believe this guy.

"And someone told you to go first?!" I asked giving him the most rude tone I could make.

"Yes! Proffesor Dumbledore told me to go first to get seats!!" What a bad liar he is.

"And like I can't do that-"

"Plane 4 will be living in 2 minutes" said a robotic voice.

"Good job Potter, now we won't even get into the plane!" I yelled at him.

"Oh shut your mouth, Malfoy, and come after me!" after Potter said that I decide that I better follow him, or i'll remain there.

TIME SKIP (again because I'm lazy)

Harry P. O. V

The plane arrived (finnaly) and me and Malfoy got down, only to see...

Hiii guys!! Sorry this chapter was soooo short, but i'll post another one today that will least longer, and if you have opinions, please write me, ok bye guys!!!

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