Steve Rodgers/Percy Jackson(Bucky)

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To say some people are rude is just an understatement. This man keeps yelling to start the cartoon through a commercial for the army.

"Shut up" I shouldn't have said that because next thing I know I'm getting my ass handed to me in an alley.

"Hey why don't you pick on someone your own size." Bucky? What is Bucky doing here? In an army uniform? He gets the guy off me and pulls me off the ground.

"I had him on the ropes"

"You say that every time" Bucky just chuckled. "Come on smalls we are going to have some fun tonight." Bucky got a sad look in his eyes. This seems to happen often with him. Almost like I remind him of someone.

"And what is this so-called fun you have in mind?"

A musical laughter echoes from his lips. His green eyes twinkle. "That's for me to know and you to find out."


It's the 40's it's not politically correct to be gay and most people think you are mentally fucked. Lovely no being openly gay. Guess I gotta find two girls to go dancing with tonight. Will Steve even enjoy that? Ugh probably not. We could just go as friends. No no you can't last time it took everything in you not to kiss him. Find two girls ok that's what I gotta do. So the hunt begins. Two girls I could just call my friend Liddia Chase. Yes, as in Annabeth Chase's grandmother. She is our age and she has a friend Steve might like. I mean she has nice hair I guess. Liddia is also aware about my small predicament and is mostly cool with it. She is learning, we will say. But she is always willing to help me out. That's it, I'll ask Liddia. I walk over to the weirdest phone I have ever used. I'm still not used to this odd contraption. I put in Liddia's phone number. The phone rings twice. "Hello James. What can I do for you?"

"One Lids it's Bucky and two I kinda need you to be my pretend date and bring a friend for Steve I kinda forgot people aren't as open minded here as home and I decided to go dancing but um I don't have any women to take with us. I don't even know if Steve likes me like that. Please help me."

"If you never call me lids again I won't call you James and fine I will help maybe Rain will come."

"Thanks besty."

"You are very weird sometimes Barnes also how did it go? Did they take you?"

"Yes I am now a soldier and I will leave soon."

"Good I'll have a break from your gay ass."

"Oh please you love me Annie"

" I'm not this Annie person, you always call me that. Why is that?"

"Sorry she is a good friend from back home you remind me of her"

"Oh ok I do love you Bucky you are a younger brother to me. I'll see you tonight alright, we will meet at your apartment at 6:30." I hang up the phone and start to get ready.

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