Day Two

200 20 36



Hey Guys

Here we have

A very good friend of mine


Welcome her please

1. Three Things you are doing in quarantine?

Taking extra care of my diet, dressing up for myself , Chess

2. Three Things you miss doing in quarantine?

Obviously going out, Zomato-ing,teaching

3. Three Things which is constant everyday?

Legendary Answer

Eat Sleep  Repeat

4. Three Things you hate doing in quarantine?

Sitting Idle, Watching the walls
Playing Carrom

5. Three places you wish to visit if there wasn't any lockdown?

Any place with ocean , woods, and grass

6.Three apps you are using now-a-days

Talking Tom
Instagram and Wattpad

7. The last 3 things you did before lockdown?

Attended a test, met my cousin and little nephew , Been to a friends bridal shower

8. Three New hobbies you got during quarantine?

Home decor diys , solving math riddles ,Scribble randomly

9. Three Things you want to do more during lockdown

Eat more( compensate for all the missed breakfast )

Read more books


10. Three Gossips you heard about the newly acquired virus?

I stay away from gossips, ignoring all the message with a forward mark,
Relaying on Authentic sites

11. Three Advice you want to give your readers regarding the newly acquired virus?

Wash your hands

Eat healthy

Put on some weight

12. Three friends who you want them to do this?


13. Three little thing you want others to do too?

Spend a little extre time with your family,
Make yourself a smoothie
Leave a bowl of water for the birds to drink.

14. Three fondest memory you made in quarantine?

Praying behind daddy, chats during dining , memories made with
Rooftop swing

Thank you so much

The Authors you mentioned they are my favorite too

I would personally like to read their experience  on quarantine .

A request to the tagged Authors , Kindly DM me your Answers so that I can give it enough closure.

It is an initiative to make sure that the readers on Wattpad, don't get bored during this quarantine period.

Give your readers a treat this Quarantine.

Three Things (Quarantine special)Where stories live. Discover now