Day Thirteen

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The Author for the day is WolfDragon2020

See What this Author is doing this Quarantine

1. Three Things you are doing in quarantine?

Three things I am doing during quarantine are homework, art, and reading/writing.

2. Three Things you miss doing in quarantine?

Three things I miss during quarantine are my friends, traveling around the city, and my boyfriend.

3. Three Things which is constant everyday?

Three things which are constant everyday for me are my brother and my dad being here, waking up around noon, and sketching for a period of time each day.

4. Three Things you hate doing in quarantine?

Three things I hate doing in quarantine are cleaning the house, doing homework, and having to sit in a cold empty room for wifi.

5. Three places you wish to visit if there wasn't any lockdown?

If there wasn't a quarantine I'd visit California, my friends, and this instagram light photography place I was going to go with my best friend.

6.Three apps you are using now-a-days?

The three apps I'm using now-a-days are Wattpad, instagram, and Netflix.

7. The last 3 things you did before lockdown?

The last 3 things I did before lock down were school, spend time with my friends, and went to the mall (wow I sound like a girly girl ew).

8. Three New hobbies you got during quarantine?

Three new hobbies that I got during quarantine... I haven't really picked up any hobbies, yet at least.

9. Three Things you want to do more during lockdown?

Three things I want to do more during lockdown are writing, this gives me a change to finish my unfinished books, lots more sketching I'm getting good, and I wanna help my dad more, he's really social so he's not doing good with this.

10. Three Gossips you heard about the newly acquired virus?

The three gossips I heard about the virus are one, that alcohol can cure you, two, that teenagers are immune, and three, this is actually a weapon from another country that was sent to wipe us out.

11. Three Advice you want to give your readers regarding the newly acquired virus?

Advice I wanna give my readers regarding the new acquired virus is probably stay away from people. As much as going out sounds fun and we all wanna do it don't lie, don't, we're not gonna get through this if no one listens.

12. Three friends who you want them to do this?

Three friends who I want to do this with (I think that's the question) my best friend in real life, my best friend on Wattpad,
LiaSmackles and my boyfriend.

13. Three little thing you want others to do too?

Three little things I want others to do is read my books! Lmao kidding, do what you want. Take this time to think about the rest of your life, to think about how being away from everyone affects you, how you need
the people around you.

14. Three fondest memory you made in quarantine?

Three of the fondest memories I've made (so far) in quarantine. Probably going to the grocery store with my dad. That was crazy. Seeing a usually fully stocked store almost empty. We laughed and joked around while he stocked up and I told him it wasn't necessary.

15- Tag everyone you know. >>>>


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300 Commennts( ✓ )

And 200 Stars.

Also I wanted to answer all of your questions, which is being DMed to me.

Add if you want to ask any, will do it IA

This is by me, for you

Appreciate it guys ♥️

With lots of dua's and good wishes your way ♥️.

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