Day Seventeen

64 13 1



Hey guys

Do you know?

I'm really good at sketching.

Anyone else who share the same interest.

Today we have Sean_Browning with us.

See what this Author is doing in Quarantine period.

1. Three Things you are doing in quarantine?

Pretending to sleep.
Pretending to be awake.

2. Three Things you miss doing in quarantine?

Having time to myself.
Shopping for useless crap I don't need.
Not worrying about toilet paper.

3. Three Things which is constant everyday?

Lying down while worrying and fretting.

4. Three Things you hate doing in quarantine?

Stressful grocery shopping.
Waking up from a good dream.
Trying to home teach 3 kids that are smarter than me.

5. Three places you wish to visit if there wasn't any lockdown?

The grocery store without stress.
That is all.

6. Three apps you are using now-a-days?

Facebook Messenger.
Apple Music.

7. The last 3 things you did before lockdown?

Touched my face.
Touched my face again.
Touched my face.

8. Three New hobbies you got during quarantine?

Guilt-free lying down.
Guilt-free binge watching.
Gazing longingly out every window and sighing.

9. Three Things you want to do more during lockdown?

Anything! Anything at all!

10. Three Gossips you heard about the newly acquired virus?

I try to stay away from all gossip. I do my own research. That said, I heard that Ryan Reynolds is pregnant.

11. Three Advice you want to give your readers regarding the newly acquired virus?

Don't believe everything you read. Do your own research.
Helping people feels really, really good.
As the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy advises: Don't Panic.

12. Three friends who you want them to do this?

13. Three little thing you want others to do too?

Keep your distance!
Use this time to focus on positive change.
Take up breakdancing.

14. Three fondest memory you made in quarantine?

Having my wife home from work.

"Guns, Love, and Tentacles" (Borderlands 3) with my son.
Good dreams (brain overcompensating?)

15. Three weird things about you?

I talk to trees. No, they don't talk back.
I daydream about being on the Serenity.l(Firefly) every night to help me fall asleep.
Who am I kidding. There are too many weird things about me to list. I revel in weird. The good/not creepy kind.

16 - Tag everyone you know. >>>>


Thank you so much for doing the interview.

I just answered few questions which I received from some of you, check that out in the previous chapter.

These interviews are for readers, but what for Authors?

I'm planning something for

Most stared.
Most Commented.

I'm really thankful to all of you, for supporting me and the authors. It wouldn't be possible with out you all.

Comment how you feel about this interview, this is not only about me,it's also about you.

This is by me, for you

With lots of dua's and good wishes your way ♥️.

Three Things (Quarantine special)Where stories live. Discover now