Day Ten

118 19 67



Hey guys

Do you know?

I'm the one making tea in my house, but I never tasted it.
I'm  addicted to coffee.

What do you like?

Tea or coffee?

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There's something about coffee in my Instagram story today.


Today we have with us, A VERY good friend of mine.She is such a sweetheart.  pseudo_angel

1. Three Things you are doing in quarantine?

Self-care by learning something new.
(I'm excluding my normal daily routines, lol).

2. Three Things you miss doing in quarantine?

Taking walks.
Being free -as in knowing that I have the freedom to go and do things.
Going to the shops (I'm not a big shopper, but knowing that if I need something like eggs, or cheese, I can run to the shop and get it without being worried.)

3. Three Things which is constant everyday?

Work (lol, I'm part of essential workers in my country, so I still have to go to work).

4. Three Things you hate doing in quarantine?

Being stuck I'm one place because I have to.
Household chores never come to an end.
All the constant cooking I have to do.

5. Three places you wish to visit if there wasn't any lockdown?

The beach, I miss the smell of the ocean air.
A book store.
The beach.

6. Three apps you are using now-a-days?


7. The last 3 things you did before lockdown?

Grocery shopping.
Pet shopping.

8. Three New hobbies you got during quarantine?

Lazing around
Eating an actual meal, lol.
Spending time with my kittens! I just got them for two weeks!

9. Three Things you want to do more during lockdown?

Improve my knowledge of the tafsir of the Qur'an.
Read some more books.
Spend time with the family.

10. Three Gossips you heard about the newly acquired virus?

That it is a bioweapon.
That China created it to take control of the world.

11. Three Advice you want to give your readers regarding the newly acquired virus?

STAY AT HOME, please. STAY safe.
WASH YOUR HANDS, but please don't waste water.
Don't take this as a joke, please.

12. Three friends who you want them to do this?

13. Three little thing you want others to do too?

Be kind to everyone you meet. 🌹
Smile. 😊
Pray for the world❤

14. Three fondest memory you made in quarantine?

The evening it was announced that my country would be going into lockdown, my dad told my African Grey Parrot, "Moosa, you won't be going outside with Maia (my dog) anymore. It's lockdown. So you cannot go out."

And then my bird squeaked and cried, "No, no, no."

Then, the next would be playing Uno with my parents
My dad is hilarious when we play.

The last thing, well, I guess it is yet to come, In Shaa Allah Ameen. I mean, we have only been in lockdown for about 3 days.

Please keep my family and I in your duas.

Thank you so much for doing the interview.

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With lots of dua's and good wishes your way ♥️

Three Things (Quarantine special)Where stories live. Discover now