Day Twelve

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Hey guys

Do you know?

My friends made lots with different categories, some of foods, colours, actors, destinations, tv shows and so on,And made me pick one out of it .Hence I took that as my favourites from then. Until I was sane enough to make favourites by myself.

New readers If you want to know What I'm talking about head to the previous interview and see exactly what it is all about.
The Author we have today is someone whose stories are amazing, I'm a huge fan of her Work, if you something new and interesting head to her profile Tada , you won't regret it.

The Author is abbyraechris08

Read What this Author is doing in Quarantine.

1.Three Things you are doing in quarantine?

Reading, writing and doing a school project, watching movies

2. Three Things you miss doing in quarantine?

hmmm...nothing. I an introvert, besides going to school or to the local store to get groceries I dont leave the house.  I might miss my friends.

3. Three Things which is constant everyday?

Eating, watching movies, reading.

4. Three Things you hate doing in quarantine?

Nothing, as I said this is normal for me.

5. Three places you wish to visit if there wasn't any lockdown?


6.Three apps you are using now-a-days?

Wattpad, ebook reader and whatsapp. I use them all the time lockdown or not.

7. The last 3 things you did before lockdown?

Went to school, went to get a new charger for my phone. went to the bank.

8. Three New hobbies you got during quarantine?

Nothing new.

9. Three Things you want to do more during lockdown?

I to write more. I also want to pay more attention to school stuff.

10. Three Gossips you heard about the newly acquired virus?

Alchohol can cure it, that millons are infected when it hasn't reached that number yet, te another virus has started in china

11. Three Advice you want to give your readers regarding the newly acquired virus?

Wash your hands, keeping hands away from the face is impossible because it is an almost involuntary thing. you don't even know you've done it until it is too late. Stay in during the lockdown, this will protect you if you haven't  contracted it and protect others if you have and finally find productive ways to keep yourself busy and worry free, this will keep panic from setting in and keep boredom away (mostly) and also keep you from making dangerous mistakes like going out to see a friend.

12. Three friends who you want them to do this?

Everyone that is a friend or aquaintance or even my enemies (which i dont think i have) should do all those things.

13. Three little thing you want others to do too?

Just make sure you get your info from the right source, like your government or the major health organisations. make sure you help those close to you,  I know I said stay inside but under any circumstance, if you stay close to some that has any disability try to help them out. wear clothese that cover all of you complete with a face mask and gloves wen you go out, dont touch anyone skin to skin and make sure you wash when you return to your place and clean all surface touched when you returned  pay attention to your surrounding and the people around, if you see someone ill stay away

14. Three fondest memory you made in quarantine?

Watcing and old tv show called revenge and getting awesome ideas for my novels.

15- Tag everyone you know. >>>>


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I'm doing Author reveal there, and some fun stuffs.

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Also I wanted to answer all of your questions, which is being DMed to me.

Add if you want to ask any, will do it IA

This is by me, for you

Appreciate it guys ♥️

With lots of dua's and good wishes your way ♥️.

Three Things (Quarantine special)Where stories live. Discover now