Day Fifteen

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Hey guys

Do you know?

I had a thought to start a interview book, but I never imagined it to be a huge success.

Thank you everyone for making this possible.

I'm really very excited to present this Author to you,
I'm now a huge fan  of Superheroes and Greek mythology after reading this Author's work.

The Author is kmbell92

See What this amazing Author is doing in this Quarantine.

1. Three Things you are doing in quarantine?

- Well, for starters, I have been organising my house to my liking. We had moved a little prior
to the COVID-19 outbreak and didn’t have a lot of time to unpack and organise after we

- I’ve been writing a lot more, of course. I’m trying to take advantage of all the time I have to
get as many updates out for my readers.

- Focusing on other hobbies. I’ve been working on homemade crafts and I’ve started
hundreds of little projects so that I don’t drive myself mad doing the same thing over and

2. Three Things you miss doing in quarantine?

- Surprisingly enough, I do miss going to work but I think it’s because I miss seeing the
children I work with. I still see them via Skype but it’s not the same.

- I miss playing Pokémon Go outside. I like walking around parks to play before and after work
some days.

- I miss taking my dogs out to different places so they can explore. I’m sure they miss that too
now that we’re stuck with very basic walks.

3. Three Things which is constant every day?

- Checking in with my families that I work with to see how they are doing.

- Having breakfast. I know that sounds weird, but I never had time for breakfast in the
mornings and now I get to enjoy a meal with my morning coffee.

- Staying updated on any new changes that our government brings forward.

4. Three Things you hate doing in quarantine?

- Staying inside for the majority of the day.

- Organising my practice online. It might seem easy but it’s not easy holding therapy sessions

- Cooking. I hate cooking but I don’t have the option of going out really, so homemade meals
it is.

5. Three Places you wish to visit if there wasn’t any lockdown?

- All my vacation plans were cancelled so I’ll just list the trips that have been postponed as of
right now. Guatemala, New Zealand, and Italy.

6. Three Apps you are using nowadays?

- Wattpad (of course)

- Instagram

- Pokémon Go

7. The last three things you did before lockdown?

- Went grocery shopping for essentials.

- Got my oil changed in my car.

- Completely shut down the clinic.

8. Three New Hobbies you got during quarantine?

Three Things (Quarantine special)Where stories live. Discover now