fuck up, 7.

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"you're joking right!", mattia spoke as his body slammed against the brick wall, "i didn't do shit." the police officer yanked mattia's arms to the boys back. "you can't do that!" kairi yelled towards the cop as he pulled mattia to his car. "i can't believe you're hanging around someone like this kid." the cop spoke, recognizing kairi.

"he didn't do nothing," kairi watched mattia slam his head against the car window, an angry yell breaking from his mouth, "we were just walking down the street!"

"he had a loaded gun kairi. shut up before i cuff you too." the cop got into his car leaving kairi on the street, in the dark; no car. the boy stood in the middle of the empty road and quickly pulled out his phone for a ride.

kairi got the station after what felt like forever. "where is he," he spoke, slamming his hands on the front desk. "kairi?" the lady behind the counter spoke. "what did you do to mattia." the boy leaned in, startling the girl. "do your parents know you're here?"

"answer me!" kairi was beginning to become restless, "you know i could get you fired." he threatened. the women sigh before typing thing into her computer. "polibio's been put on a twenty-four hour hold." she spoke. "that's bull! all we were doing was walking down the street."

"he was armed kairi. he's one of the most wanted for drug dealing. his family kills people." the women spoke, a sympathetic look plastered on her face. "get him out," the boy spoke. he knew he could do what he wanted. his family owned everything. "kai-"

"get him out!" kairi never acted like this and apart of it was scaring him. "all have all of you jobless in seconds. let him go."

"come," the women stood, a look of fear and concern on her face. the boy followed her behind the counter and into a small hall of holding cells. he found mattia cuffed, leaning against the dirty bars. "kai?" the taller boy looked up, his eye lighting up. kairi watched as a guard unlocked the cell and mattia's handcuffs. kairi grabbed the boys wrist and pulled him away quickly.

"kairi how-" mattia was cut off by the boy opening the door to a car and motioning for him to get in. kairi got into the other side, starting the car. kairi can drive? mattia thought to himself. he didn't even know the boy had a car. "where'd the car come from?" mattia asked.

"doesn't matter," kairi gripped the steering wheel, "you're welcome by the way."

"ya, thanks. you ok kai?"

"i had someone drop the car off. i don't got a license, i've never actually driven a car before. besides in like, a parking lot. i told them i'd fire them if they didn't let you go. you sell drugs? that's kinda crazy." kairi's mouth was spilling out words without thought or control. for the first time in his life he wanted to be high at one of mattia's parties. he wanted the boy to kiss him until he couldn't breathe.

mattia slouched back into his seat, "im fucking you up aren't i."

"ya," kairi almost laughed, "can we go to your place?" the boy glanced over.

mattia nodded, "ya sure. i don't think anyone's there actually. there was something going on tonight." mattia watched kairi, thoughts filling his head. he had never seen kairi like this, but it was only making him fall harder for the boy.

kairi pulled into mattia's drive way, quick getting out of the car. he walked to the other side, pulled mattia down to his lips. "can we get high."

mattia let out a small laugh, "sure kid."


hi, i bought mattia's ugly ass merch 🤧 don't do drugs kids. anyways some kid dropped his weed on the floor and put in his snap story. like stfu up, no one cares. probably how y'all feel rn, but i'm bored and got no one to talk to 😫😫

alright, by cuties 💕💕

rich boy / mairi Where stories live. Discover now