Enters to mysterious cave

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Eva and Jonny crossed the waterfall and after some distance, they found that there was no land ahead.

Instead, there was a huge river that was full of extremely large snakes and anacondas.

Jonny asked anxiously, "How will we get across this river?" It is just impossible to cross it. What will we do now?"

Meanwhile, Daniel also arrived there.

Out of sheer anger, he said, "What made you think you would get 'crystal heart' that easily? That is only mine and I will never let it be yours."

By saying this he attacked them.

Eva and Jonny were on the verge of land.

With his gun, he tried to scare them and make them fall into the river, but Alex grabbed him from behind and took away the firearm.

They both started fighting meanwhile his people also came there and again started fighting.

As they all got distracted by his people, Daniel got the chance.

He took his gun and tried to cross the river with the help of shooting rope and he succeeded.

After defeating all the people, they crossed the river.


The wall of the cave was filled with flora.

Daniel was carefully moving forward.

But at one point he found a maze in front of him, which was quite confusing to choose the correct path, and one wrong step could lead him to death.

He knew that Alex and his friends would come to that place so he hid and decided to follow them secretly.

After some time they reached that place.

They also found a maze that had three different pathways in front of them.

In a horrifying voice, Jonny said, "What we'll do now? If we choose the pathway then we can even die."

Alex noticed some patterns were made on the walls, he removed the plants and flora from the wall then he observed that there were different kinds of snake patterns made on the wall of different paths.

On the wall of the first path, the pattern of 'anaconda' was formed; on the wall of the second path the pattern of 'cobra' was formed and on the wall of the last path the pattern of 'krait' was formed.

"According to that story, the family of the cobra was most superior. So, I think this pathway (whose wall had a cobra pattern) is correct." Alex said.

Daniel was hearing everything from behind.

As he had no idea about what story they were talking about, he concluded that Alex's father must have some secret research work about which they were talking.

And thought that he made the right decision to follow them from behind otherwise he could be in danger.

Alex and his friends moved forward, Daniel also kept following them.

After going some distance they reached the core of the cave.

There was a huge temple at the center in an open surrounding.

Jonny exclaimed, "Wahh!! What kind of cave has such huge open space?" And said, "But one thing I couldn't understand; Daniel was ahead of us but we hadn't seen him throughout the way. That's strange."

Jack replied casually, "He must have lost in the maze. Whatever it's good for us that he is not here."

Behind them, Daniel was listening to all their conversation.

"Jack, look at this temple; I think the 'crystal heart' must be here," Eva told him.

They started looking around the temple.

Jack found a staircase that was going upward.

He went up and saw that there was another way to get out of that cave; those staircases were leading to the highest part of the island.

He informed everyone about that place and said, "We all will gather up there together after receiving the 'crystal heart'. Let me send the location to the pilot so that he can be ready to pick us up."

He sent the location to the pilot by making a switch-on of the tracker so that the pilot can easily track them; then they went inside.

Daniel was all aware of their plans so, he also planned that he would let them get the 'crystal heart' and when they will come out he would kill them and will escape through the helicopter.

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