Never before

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Technic got home late and ran straight to his room not caring if his brother tried to call him. He made himself fall on his bed and yelled into his pillow.

"What's wrong with him?" Nic said and punched his pillow. "Why the f*ck did he have to kiss me"

"Who, Ai Nic" Techno had come inside when Nic said that and heard him.

"Who, P?" Nic asked trying to sound like he had no idea what his brother was talking about but he just couldn't hold his anger or whatever it was inside.

"Who kissed you, nong?"

"Nobody, P"

"Stop lying, I just want to help you if I can" Techno said with an encouraging smile on his face.

"Why do you want to help me?" Technic knew his brother always wants to help that's just who he is. Nic also knew that his brother wasn't good at helping others at least not while he's so helpless himself. He didn't really want his brother's help, Techno gave up to Technic's best friend but Nic isn't his brother so he won't give in no matter what.

"You found Ai Good so I think you deserve it" Techno said not noticing the change in his younger brother's face when he mentioned Good.

"You can't help me, P" Technic had almost forgot his anger but now it came back to him. He felt like his chest was burning to ash and he felt hot everywhere. This feeling was new to Technic 'it must just be anger' was what Nic thought when he looked at his brother.

"Please leave"

"What?" Techno looked a little lost when he heard his nong say that but he didn't say anything, he just stood up and left.

The next morning Technic woke up with pain in his back after carrying Good up four floors the night before. Despite the pain he got up from bed and went downstairs for breakfast. It was Saturday so Nic got to sleep a little longer.

"Good morning Nic" Nic's mae said and put newly baked pancakes in front of him.

"What's the occasion, mae" Techno came down the stairs tired but he was still smiling.

"Nothing, I only wanted to make something good for my boys" mae said and patted Nic's head.

"Thank you, mae" the boys said and ate.

After breakfast Kengkla came.

"Good morning P No" Kengka said in a sweet tone and hugged Techno.

"Yeah, good morning Kla" No looked a little uncomfortable and pushed him gently away.

"Hello, mae" Kengkla said and waiied to her.

"Good morning Ai Kla" mae said and smiled at him.

"What, you're not greeting me Ai Kla? It feels like you didn't come here for me" Technic said with a teasing tone and looked at his brother which face was slowly turning redder.

"I didn't come here for you Ai Nic, of course I came here for my beautiful wife" Kengkla said without hesitation and looked at his boyfriend who's face was redder then a tomato.

"What a shocker" Technic said and stood up. He couldn't bear more of his friends sweet talk towards his brother but their mother seemed to be more than okay with it 'cause she just laughed and asked Kengkla to sit down with them.

"I'm going out, mae"

"Okay see you later sweetie" she said and gave Kengkla pancakes.

Technic didn't only go outside to get away from Kengkla but he also had to get himself medicine for his back pain. He took the bus to a pharmacy located about ten minutes away from his house. He arrived at a bus stop two minutes away from the pharmacy. He was going to get off the bus when he saw someone he didn't want to meet.

"What is he doing here?" Technic asked himself.

Good was there with a young woman. Technic had to admit that she was beautiful. She was blond and her hair was very long, her eyes were blue like the ocean, she was skinny and wearing a white T-shirt and a flower patterned skirt, obviously a foreigner. The woman was holding Good's arm and they looked like they were talking about something funny 'cause every time one of them said something they laughed. Technic didn't get off he didn't want to walk into them so the bus just drove away but Technic watched them until he couldn't see them anymore.

Something was happening inside of Technic that he couldn't possibly describe and he had no idea what it was or why it was happening. He was angry but it was also something else, some other feeling he didn't remember ever feeling. He felt like he hated that woman even though he had never met her.

"I hate you P Good"

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