Chapter Four: Break-In and The Golden Key

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We made our way back up to the house, with little leaves and prickles stuck at our foot. It was getting dark and Dad was expected to be home any minute. "Damien.." I said tugging at his shirt with a worried face. He didn't know what to tell me and just held onto my hand. "That cabin had black garbage bags inside.." I said, looking up at him. "We will go back when we figure something out Lizzy." He said reaching for his bag which sat on the front porch of my house. "Something bad is inside there Damien, why don't we just go to the cops and report it? You know I could explain to them; something unusual I saw outside of my bedroom window." I freaked out but Damien just placed his hands on my shoulder, which calmed me down immediately. "Lizzy, I don't think we should alert the police until we find something. They will take one hundred years in this town. This is our opportunity to fix whatever is happening without the cops being involved." He reassured me and placed his bag on his back. Before he decided to make his leave, he stopped in his tracks, looking back at me. "Lizzy.." He turned around and gazed inside of my eyes. My heart rate started to increase rapidly inside of my chest. "Damien..what's wrong?" I gulped, panicking inside of my head.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, looking down at me, not yet moving his eyes from mine. "Is it okay if I have your number Lizzy?" he asked with his face turning red like a cherry in spring. I smiled and took his phone from him, "You can Damien", I responded, inserting my number inside of his phone. "You should go before my Dad reaches which can be any minute. I'll meet you at school tomorrow." I said placing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll be waiting then.." He walked off smiling, waving goodbye. I watched him leave down the road from my house, picking my bag up and heading inside. Is Damien my crush? I thought to myself. I went upstairs to my room, placed my bag onto my desk and laid on my bed sighing heavily. What did I get myself into? Is it right to keep something like this from the police? We are only teenagers after all.. as my thoughts wondered, I heard the front door opened. I got up and went downstairs to see if Dad had made it back home. "Dad?" I said walking downstairs slowly.

I got no answer, I went inside the kitchen to see if he was there but still no sight of him. The front door was wide open with only the street lights shining down on the empty road. "Dad.. stop playing with me.. it's not funny anymore" I said, waiting for my father to pop out of whatever hiding spot he was in. I closed the door and turned around, examining the area to see if Dad was playing games with me or if someone was actually inside of the house. That's when the lights went out and I screamed, running up the stairs and back inside of my bedroom. I shut my bedroom door, locking it and sliding my body against it, sitting on the ground. Someone was inside of my house. Before I could reach for my phone to call for help, I heard a knock at my door. My eyes widened in fear as I slowly backed away; the knocking became hands banging louder and louder by the minute on my door. "Go away! Leave me alone!" I backed up, grabbing my phone and feeling tears roll down my pale cheeks. The person on the other side of the door was playing with the door knob and banging intensely.

They were trying to get inside of my room and who knows what their motive might be. I quickly speed-dialed the emergency number and asked them to bring help immediately. "Someone is trying to break into my room!", I cried loudly in fear through the phone. "We are sending help for you right away, stay inside of your room and use anything for support" the operator responded. I wiped my tears from my eyes and looked around my room for anything to help support me. I saw the box cutter I used to cut open my boxes which held my belongings, "If you don't leave my house-" I yelled but stopped when the banging noises ceased. I heard footsteps running downstairs and then no more. The sound of policemen filled my house as they yelled, "is anyone in here? We are here now! Come out" they said in a calm and reassuring tone.

I opened my door, but before walking to the stairs. I caught a glance at an old golden key which sat outside of my door and it had the number three attached to it. I grabbed it immediately, placing it inside of my pocket and walked down stairs to the officers. They helped me down and led me outside to answer questions about what happened. "Are you okay? There's no sign of any cuts or bruises to the body." The policeman said as I sat inside of his car with my feet hanging out and a blanket wrapped around me. I gave a full report to the officer about what happened until I heard, "BEAN!" my father who ran towards me and the officer. He hugged me tightly, rubbing my back, "What happened? Are you hurt?" Why are the police here? He asked, holding my upper arms tightly. "Dad.. someone just broke inside of the house and tried to get to me but I locked myself inside of my room" I said pressing my forehead on his shoulder.

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