Chapter Five: Kelly Roberts Is Missing

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I couldn't feel anything. I didn't know what to feel at that moment. It made sense to us from me finding the key outside my door and a mysterious person trying to get to me by trying to break down my door. It made my skin crawl to think like that but It was true. Damien stood there, frozen, he was probably scared as well from our knowledge of finding out why my house got broken into and the fact that this key is actually an old cabin key for a cabin lock.

Everything was put together but we just needed to be careful of our surroundings. We went to our classes, not finishing what we spoke about until school ended. I can't lie when the day went by smoothly yet the thoughts in my mind haunted me deeply inside. I walked out of class, clinging onto my books that pressed against my chest and heading off to lunch. I walked inside the cafeteria, watching out for Kelly and her goons but luckily they weren't here today.

I met Damien sitting down eating a sandwich with his headphones in his ear. I blushed, taking a seat besides him, "Hey" I said but he didn't respond, I guessed he didn't hear. I pulled out his headphones and stuck my tongue out, "Hey!" I grinned. He smiled putting his phone to the side and giving me his full attention, "I see someone's in a good mood" He smiled finishing his sandwich. "I'm not in a good mood, it's just good to see a friendly face." I responded; I placed my books to the side and took out a bag of chips. "Hmm interesting." He responded then leaned forward in front of me.

"What should we do after school" he whispered but I changed the topic, not wanting to discuss it until we fully had a plan. "Have you seen kelly?" I asked curiously. Damien sat up with a confused look on his face as he reacted to my question. "No.. she hasn't been in class at all..I'd assume she was skipping but why do you ask..?" he replied, taking a sip of his choco-milk. It was dumb of me to ask but usually she would bother anyone or me for example at this time. I didn't hurt my head about it and continued to eat lunch not responding to his question.

It was finally time to leave school since It was Friday. I was excited to go home and laze around the house for the first time. Damien offered to walk me home since it became an everyday thing. It was peaceful walking with him but he wasn't very open with his personal life, I wasn't complaining or anything but It would be nice to know a little personal thing about him. It's just me being nosey! The sun was slowly going down as we watched a beautiful orange and pink sunset on our walk up my road. Before we reached, I saw Dad, he was sitting on the front porch and looking over some blueprints with a cup of coffee.

~I swear there is never a day I wouldn't  see him without a cup filled with coffee.~

"Dad!" I said running over to him, giving him a hug. "Hey bean!" he hugged back. We stopped hugging as I got up and introduced him to Damien. "Good afternoon sir." Damien said in a respectful tone, putting his hand out for a shake. Dad got up and shook his hand, "Good afternoon to you too." "Is this your boyfriend Bean?" Dad said raising his eyebrows with a smug look on his face.

I blushed hard and shook my head, "No! He's my friend.." I crossed my arms looking away. I couldn't help myself but I denied. I knew that I had feelings for Damien but they were too soon to mention, he probably doesn't like me either.. Dad tried to invite Damien inside for dinner but Damien seemed to be in a rush back home. We understood that he had to leave so we said our goodbyes to him. "I'm going inside to nap. I'll wake up in time for dinner!" I said heading up the porch and inside.

~Damien's Point Of View~

I walked back down the road from Lizzy's house and the one thing that stayed was the blush on my face and the weird feeling inside of my stomach. I hoped it wasn't the three choco-milks I had at school..It was getting darker and I rushed back to my place. My house wasn't fancy but It was something that I'd cherish. It was a one story, red bricked house with a little porch and an old busted car in the back. I opened the door walking into my small but cozy home. A living room with a television and small couch, my room that was down the hall, a bathroom that was in the middle and my brother's bedroom on the opposite side.

The kitchen was a part of the living room with a sink, old counters and cabinets, oven, a fridge and a table with two chairs. I threw my bag onto the couch and immediately was greeted by Brownie. Brownie is our pet dog and also a Yorkshire Terrier. She has been our family pet for a long time but was still active as always. I picked her up and gave her a big hug as she licked my cheek. It was only us inside of the house as my brother had already left for the city for another job meeting. I knew he was doing this for my well-being and to keep me in school but it also gets lonely. It was only me, my brother and brownie after all.

I sat down on the couch beside my bag and allowed Brownie to lay on my lap while we relaxed for that moment. I wondered why Lizzy asked about Kelly at lunch today; she was already a cold hearted person who finds the need to pick on Lizzy. Why is she important?; I have to admit that Kelly wasn't always a bad person though.. She was once like Lizzy and also my girlfriend too but It all changed that day... I felt goosebumps on my arms but I closed my eyes for a moment but I didn't intended to fall asleep..

~It was six o'clock in the morning..~

I woke up with drool, leaking down my lip and Brownie barking. I got up and shushed her . My only guess was that she was hungry and demanded food. I went into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for the both of us. I made bacon, eggs, sausages and waffles. Breakfast was the only meal I could prepare and dinner would be brought by our next door neighbor, Ms. Cambridge, a lovely widow who always helped those in need. She was like a mother to me..

I placed sausages and eggs inside Brownie's bowl and placed it on the floor beside my foot at the table while I ate my breakfast. I watched YouTube while I ate my breakfast, catching up new updates on gaming channels and also songs that I could practice on my guitar. That's all I would do for the weekend. I didn't receive any calls from my brother as I assumed that his business trip was hectic at the moment and he was probably exhausted. Brownie went off for a nap after finishing her meal while I stayed and cleaned the kitchen. I wish Lizzy was here but I'm probably just a friend to her anyways. I sent the rest of my weekend practicing songs and taking early morning jogs around the neighborhood.

My jog on Sunday was refreshing as I stopped to take a deep breath by the bus stop until I recognized a familiar face. That girl who Lizzy was always around.., "Hey.. aren't you..Debbie?" I asked looking down at her as she wore a hoodie, ripped jeans, converse and held onto an old MP3 player. She didn't answer me and got up when the bus arrived. I thought it was rude but I guess she was shy. I continued my run, heading back home.

It was finally Monday. Ms. Cambridge stopped by and dropped off lunch for school and wished me a good day. I began my walk to school while I thought about the plans I made during the weekend. I badly wanted to find out about this cabin and the mysteries that laid inside of it. I was depressed that the weekend went by so fast but who would've thought this new week could be another troubled mystery. When I reached school, it was chaos. the gossip filled the air as I knew something was wrong when I first stepped onto campus...

Kelly Roberts was missing..

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this far! This mystery is getting deeper than expected!

Kelly is now missing?! When will Damien's brother return?? Could Brownie be any cuter?! Did Elizabeth just admit her crush for Damien?! Will Debbie ever stop being creepy?!


Dark Diary Mysteries Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now