Chapter 1: The Nights

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Authors Note:

Book is in the works. Currently down with coronavirus so sorry if it appears sloppy. I haven't written in a few years so writing for something to do and because I miss writing. Don't mind the errors. No one to read it over.

I am sorry for not posting these. I am dumb and thought they did. My bad! Enjoy the book. Maybe people will like it now lol.


I was yanked behind one of the larger members of my father's pack. My neck hurt from the tight metal chain collar around it. My wrists were raw and I felt like I would collapse any second but I kept my feet moving. I knew the consequences if I didn't keep moving. Fear drove me forward. I tried to escape... Again. Always choosing a different route and a different direction but never fast enough. Too weak just like Alpha Jameson says. I slipped on mud and slid down a small hill, the chains keeping me from tumbling further. My walker looked down at me and dragged me to my feet using the chains causing more pain than necessary but less then what I would be experiencing once I got home. Home; a bitter shiver took over my spine as I shuddered. It'd never be home. That was shattered when I was 13 and my parents died. My mother failed to give birth to another child and my dad followed her to the grave in grief. That's what happened to werewolves when their mate died. My mother was a powerful shapeshifter but my father was a more powerful werewolf. Her true form was a wolf so it wasn't surprising a werewolf chose her as the mate. Well... Choosing isn't the best word. It isn't a choice. But he could have rejected her. Should have. I never should have been born. I didn't belong anywhere. Werewolves saw Shapeshifters as lesser creatures and Shapeshifters seen werewolves as beasts. No one wanted a halfling. I was... Disgusting. Ugly. Pathetic. I whimpered as I blinked the tears away. My walker turned to look at me. I flinched and kept my eyes down knowing better than to look him in the eyes. Suddenly we all stopped and I almost ran into my walker but quickly threw myself to the ground instead. I didn't know why we stopped right away but I ceased the opportunity to rest my weak legs. Then another pack's smell hit my nose and I cowered deeper into the ground hoping that I smelled more like the earth and the pack then a shifter. Alpha Jameson stepped away from the pack to greet the other man. I could smell he was also an alpha.

"You know you are on our lands? Very close to my pack house." The other Alpha growled

The two men who were on each side of this pack lands Alpha growled as well

"I am so sorry. We did not mean to trespass. A prisoner escaped and we are on our way back home now." Alpha Jameson bowed his head slightly in remorse; "I am Alpha Jameson of the Northern Rise pack. Please, allow us to go home."

I examined the men, inching closer to see through the heavy rain.

The new Alpha was tall, built, but older... In his 40's I would say. Gentle eyes though they were dark. A deep brown is almost impossible to see the iris in his eyes. His hair was gently swaying in front of his eyes with an unkempt crew cut growing over. Looking at him I could tell he was a very powerful Alpha and not one to take kindly to strangers. The scar on his lip showed he has had battles as most Alphas. But his features were soft and he had more smiling wrinkles on his face than any other. It made my heart clench with the thought of being part of a pack that even just tolerated me.

On his left was a young man. His hair was a shaggy mess and red but he had natural streaks through it of all kinds of shades of color and I could tell whoever his mate was or would be was going to be lost in his eyes. Emerald green eyes. Deep. Wise. Kind... His scent was woodsy of course but vanilla honey was also on him. I inhaled again just to feel it run into my nose. But his face was just as soft. The chiseled features of most werewolves weren't prominent. You could tell he spent more time smiling then growling. Or maybe it was because his lips were naturally upturned that I thought that.

"I am Alpha Eric. You are on..."

"The Nights...." Alpha Jameson finished his sentence

"Yes." Alpha Eric nodded

"Forgive our intrusion." Alpha Jameson back stepped causing the others to follow suit

I narrowly avoided being stepped on by my walker

"Who is your prisoner?" Alpha Eric asked

I cringed not wanting him to know me

"A simple halfling. Werewolf and shifter." Jameson hissed the word shifter

I bowed my head in shame though no one was looking.

When I raised my head again I looked at the other man. And regretted it...

His face was cold and demonic. Stoic. He had the face of an Alpha. His lips twisted back into a snarl. Hair that was originally kept in place was falling in gentle curls around his eyes from the rain. Black. Of course it was black to match his eyes. I couldn't distinguish the color so he must have his wolf's eyes to see better. It took me a moment to realize he was staring at me. Suddenly I felt the warmth from my chest and it wanted to burst and I didn't understand it.

"LeeAnn!" Jameson growled and snatched me by my hair

I cried out in pain but it changed to a whimper quickly

"You know better..." He breathed in my ear

I felt the tears as I gave the best nod I could manage

He let me fall back to the ground and the mud I landed in splashed up in my face.

My eyes drifted up ever so slightly as I wiped some of the mud as best I could. The 3 men were obviously communicating through telepathic means.

My eyes hit the ground when they looked down at me knowing Jameson was not afraid to attack me in front of them.

"You can have passage out of our lands. Under one condition..." Alpha Eric spoke

Alpha Jameson held his breath

Alpha Eric continued since the silence continued on; "I want the shifter."

My heart sped up as I looked up at him

Alpha Eric was giving me a serious look and I quickly looked away

"Why?" Jameson asked


"Do you want to leave the lands alive?" The black haired man spoke from the Nights

I felt my breath hitch at the authority of his voice and the sound

Some of Jamesons pack growled

Jameson turned to scold them with a look

"Decide." Alpha Eric snarled

"Keep her. She isn't worth my pack members." Jameson kicked me forward

I didn't know what to do so I just willed myself to stand

"Keys." The red haired one stepped forward

My walker tossed them to him and he leaned down to undo my bounds.

Once I was released I rubbed my neck and then wrists and looked back to see Jameson and the pack walking away. I was shocked... What was life going to be like without them? Worse? No way. There can't be much worse.

"Can you walk?" the red haired man asked

I nodded

He stood and went back to Alpha Eric.

They turned to walk away and I slowly managed to stand and stumble behind them. It wasn't easy as I was so weak. But I did the best I could.

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