Chapter 14: Pride

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*Sorry about the long update times. Hope you enjoy the new chapter. Comment your thoughts*

*Jacob's POV*

I kissed my mate awake gently trailing kisses from her lips down to her mark. She stretched and looked at me cupping my face and kissing me back. I could feel my inner wolf howling with his happiness from her being in my arms. Pulling her closer to me as I guided us out of the bed so we could shower and be ready for the pride's arrival. Once we were showered I pulled a dress from the closet for her and smiled wide. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me deeply before pulling away and taking the dress from me. I loved her more than anything. And I never thought anyone would be able to top the amount of love my brother and I shared. As twins our pack bond and family bond was stronger than most and we could sense and feel things that most couldn't with one another. No matter our fights that happened we never faltered in that. As we stopped in the kitchen for muffins and milk before sitting in the office I stopped to watch Harper greet the omegas of our pack and thank them. I nodded to them and they both grinned and continued on with some chores. The pride they held for her was almost greater than for me. Probably due to the fact most were around when Jacobi and I were pups. As we ate I watched Harper flip through paperwork with a small sneer as she ate the muffins. Whenever she was deep in thought her lip always raised in annoyance. A knock drew my attention and as I welcomed in the pride I stood to greet them. And I could feel Harper's awe as she stood but eyed them. Opening up my link I listened to her. Wondering what she would think of the savannah cats and led on speaking to Dakarai...

"It is good to meet you my pack brother" He clasped me into a kind embrace before taking a step back

"The pleasure is ours." I smiled at him

"The man had deep brown skin that was flawless with a very thick head of black braided hair which was accented with little beads. He was stunningly handsome with his bright welcoming smile even with his sharp canine. His eyes were amber and the cat like which was the most alarming feature of him. Dakarai's mate mark was very intricate and beautiful but his was golden unlike mine and Jacob's which were a deep purple. The sun beams of his mark were so twisted and knotted up his neck that it gave the illusion it was alive. Which made me turn to his wife. Her skin was lighter than Dakari's but she had the same cat-like features as him but her muscular arms seemed to clash with her beautiful feline look. The beautiful black hair was tethered back in a bunch of braided beads with trinkets lining her hair. The little lion earrings she wore were cute and unlike something I thought I would see on a queen because it was so simple. I met her honey amber eyes and smiled. The mate mark was also golden and also a sun beam but hers had dancing lions and I don't know how I knew they were supposed to be dancing but I could feel it. The actual pride mark was simple with a very sturdy tree with many roots interlocking the mate mark. Pueleng was perfect for the man next to her and I hoped I looked that way next to Jacob." I glanced at her as she had that thought and seen the brief moment of lack of self worth cross her face.

Nomusa bounded in and wrapped her arms around me briefly causing me a moment of alarm before relaxing and hugging her back. Harper was next and I could tell something about her delighted Harper. I could smell the sun on her and it was thrilling even after she pulled away it was like she sunburnt me. Her skin was dark like her fathers but her features belonged to her mother except her lips and smile. The smile she shared with her father. Her hair was also braided with the beads but she had less trinkets but her hair made a crown that was jeweled and she was truly a princess. I could feel a... Vibration almost from her and I just knew it was Jacobi's wolf calling to her through me. I wondered if he realized it yet. When I met Harper it was so subtle I mistook it for anger at first.

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