Chapter 2: A Hint Of Kindness

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I continued to stumble to the ground but used the trees whenever I could but they were faster through their own woods. At one point I was about to give up but realized I didn't know their punishments so it made me scurry a bit to catch up. Finally though my legs didn't have anything left and I hit the ground again and huffed. I debated shifting and trying that way but again didn't know if they would approve of me so decided maybe I should just crawl. I looked up expecting to see them way ahead of me but the Alpha and red head stopped by some trees. Just as I was about to try again the black haired one knelt in front of me which surprised me that I hadn't noticed him approaching. I flinched and covered my face expecting some sort of lashing. But nothing... I peeked through my fingers to try and see what he was doing. All he was doing was watching me and I felt a shiver run through me. He grumbled and I was in the air and I squealed in surprise. His eyes widened and looked at me as I clasped my hand over my mouth. We began walking as he carried me bridal style towards the others. I was panicking by the time we reached a mansion. I didn't know what to look at first.

The trail that led up was beautiful cobblestone and the hedges had little flowers on them. The mansion was bright as people talked and walked through the many mazes of paths leading to different houses and benches. Getting closer I could smell so many baked goods and dinners still lingering in the air. The mood was thick with a happiness I've never felt. I kept sniffing at the air but the one who was carrying me... His scent... Strong smells of something sweet with a cherry smell. It kept making me look at him but quickly looked away afraid of eye contact. As we approached the front door of the mansion I admired the sculpted designs and vines climbing up giving it an old look. It was old. You could smell it. It was like opening an old book. I touched the archway as we passed through the door and jumped when the red haired man closed it. It was loud and final. My heart began racing realizing I had no idea what was going to happen to me. Tears threatened my eyes and I looked to find Alpha Eric watching me which made some fall and I quickly wiped them away. He stepped forward and I felt a low rumble from the one holding me.

"Hush." Alpha Eric scolded gently and then offered me a dashing smile; "I'm Alpha Eric but you may just call me Eric. This here is Jacobi;" Eric gestured to the red haired man who smiled at me and waved happily; "and the brooding one is Jacob. They are my Betas."

I tilted my head at two betas

"They are twins believe it or not." Eric chuckled

I managed a very tight smile

"What's your name?" Jacobi asked me

I widened my eyes as I looked at them all refusing to look at Jacob for longer than the other two before taking a shaky breath; "Harper..." I managed through a hoarse voice; I didn't speak much so my vocal cords felt like they had spiderwebs on them

"Well, Harper, welcome home. If you need anything. Anyone in the pack will be glad to assist." Eric smiled gently and began walking away

"Um, wait." I reached out and suddenly felt trapped; I looked at Jacob; "may I please be put down?"

Jacob hesitated but set me down keeping a hand on my waist

I stepped forward to the Alpha; "why did you take me from them?"

Jacob growled and it made me flinch and take another step forward closer to Jacobi and Eric

"Would you rather have stayed?" Eric sounded amused

"N...N...No." I shook my head quickly; "but I'm a halfling. I don't belong anywhere." I looked down as I said it

Jacob wrapped his arm around my waist suddenly and I squealed again looking at him with shock

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