Time Heals All Wounds

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12 Tinsley

3 Weeks Later

It took me a few days to answer the constant texts from Tyler begging me to just talk to him. I agreed, I've agreed to a lot when it came to him these past few weeks and kind of hated myself for it honestly. Well not really because my heart belongs to him and I think that's what I hate the most.

We agreed to tell our families, and tell them that even though we were having issues with us that we were both going to be very involved in this child's life.

I went back over to his place a few days ago to have a big Facetime with his whole family, then with mine. It was a little crazy.

"You ready?" I nodded my head. I didn't really have a choice, we needed to tell our families before any one else caught wind. He nodded once before hitting call. They answered quickly knowing this was basically a planned call since this morning. His family was altogether having dinner at his mom's place.

"Hey guys!" Cassidy said waving like crazy.

"Long time!" Candace laughed.

"Yea, been a little busy over here." Tyler answered. I decided it was best if I stayed quiet for a while.

"So, what is this meeting being called for?" His mom asked, she could obviously tell something was off. Tyler and I were sitting next to one another but weren't touching. I could sense she knew something. Tyler cleared his throat.

"So, I fucked up a few months back. Really bad and no I don't want to get into that right now, but Tinsley and I took some time apart. Recently there has been something that pulled us back together."

"Oh my god. What did you do?" And a string of other words came from the screen. Tyler put his hands up.

"Please let me finish, it's hard enough." He took a deep breath and couldn't contain the smile on his face. "We found out we're having a baby." Screams erupted along with laughing and crying and congratulations from everyone.

"Wait, you said the two of you aren't together?" His mom said.

"About that, we're going to be working on that every day, but the baby and everything involved comes first." Tyler said. His mom still looked confused, so I stood up and turned to my side. Her jaw dropped, Tyler looked over and smiled lightly placing his hand on my belly and kissing it. He's done it pretty much every time we've seen one another and I've let it slide because seriously its cute.

"Holy crap!" Cassidy said laughing.

"We're 26 weeks." I said knowing that was the next question. "And don't know the gender yet, we're waiting for the right time to open the envelope that was given to us." To be honest I have no clue what happened to it but we aren't going to tell anyone about that.

"Mom you okay?" Tyler said with a smile.

"I...you better take care of that amazing woman next to you son or I'm going to beat the shit out of you." She said.

"You guys all love her more than you even like me." Tyler shook his head. Cassidy, Candace, and their mom all nodded their heads agreeing. "Thanks." He deadpanned. "Well on that note, you can all text us or whatever, but we have to call her family now so bye!" We both waved as goodbyes and blown kisses were exchanged, before hitting the end call button. "Well that was easier than I anticipated."

"Now we get to tell my mom." I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. Tyler stood and walked around me and started to rub my shoulders, which felt incredible. He's been so attentive over these few weeks that I can feel the shield I thought I built up start to break apart. I was scared that I was beginning to trust this man again.

A Puck to the Heart / Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now