What is this all about???

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My love affair with literature started when I first read 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.' I still remember I had finished the book within a week and started with 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.'

So, while I am focussing on writing stories, I stumbled across an idea where I wanted to share my experiences of the books I have read. I decided to write it down in a blog. So, here I would be talking about my experiences of reading different books. This is not a book review channel. To be honest, an individual's opinion cannot judge a book. I just want to talk about the book, and I would leave it up to you to decide if you're going to read that book or not.

I would try not to write about the books which everyone has or had been talking or writing about. I want to write about the books which are quite uncommon in the marketplace. I would also be happy if you all could suggest some books to read. I would love to read and would surely write my experiences reading about it.

So, I think with your best wishes I can start my new adventure. I would try to upload a new chapter every week writing about my experiences of reading a book.

Until then, Stay Safe and Keep on Reading... Cheers.

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