My Experience with Delhi-A Novel

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All the readers must have their share of favourite authors. Even I have my list of favourite authors, but there is someone who stands aloof from the others. I have read so many of his books, and yet I can say there are many more of his books to be read.

This week, I would be writing about a book written by my favourite author, Late Khushwant Singh. The name of the book is 'Delhi- A Novel.' This book is not just a story about Khushwant Singh or the other characters. This book is a journey of Delhi where many characters played their part.

The story is an intoxicating take on Khushwant Singh's way erotic, an irrelevant magnum opus of the city called Delhi. The story takes place in various timelines with the present timeline being constant.

As mentioned, the story takes place in different timelines. The central character is a journalist, preferably Khushwant Singh himself suggests himself coming back from England after having his share of fun. The story is not about the journalist or his love for Bhagmati, the eunuch who had a special place in the journalist's heart.

The journey of the journalist and Bhagmati started on a lonely road on a sultry summer afternoon in Delhi. The journey soon became eternal as they both shared a beautiful relationship among themselves. His servant did not like her to be a part of the journalist's life but must do so because his master has a soft corner for her. Bhagmati plays a very important role in the journalist's life and remains a part of his life until the end. Her influence and her way of talking showed her closeness towards the journalist. Their relationship was beautiful and in no part would you find it to be filled with lewdness or obscenity.

The story travels through time and describes the journey of Delhi from the days of Nadir Shah, to Taimur, to Aurangzeb who destroyed Delhi for their benefits and people like Meer Taqi Meer and Bahadur Shah Zafar who were destroyed by Delhi. The story covers the tragedy of Nihal Singh, who helps the Britishers to take his revenge on the Mughals. Delhi has seen many events, and the author takes us through the entire journey in such a way that you would feel you are a part of it.

 Delhi has seen many events, and the author takes us through the entire journey in such a way that you would feel you are a part of it

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The story slowly proceeds ahead as the timelines change with every chapter. The history soon races towards meeting the present as Delhi witnesses the horror of partition, the after-effects of it, and the unforgettable nightmarish violence. The partition led to many after-effects which led to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, to which an adolescent boy was an eyewitness.

This is not just a book. It is a journey filled with the richness of Delhi; it is a journey filled with the tears of tragedy, and it is a journey filled with the richest of history. The author creates a masterpiece with it as he successfully takes us on a journey of Delhi. We must have heard the names mentioned in the book, but we must be not knowing much about them. This book gives you a picture of that person and the important events revolving that person.

The book witnesses the rise of a big Hindu loyal group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and how it played a big role in shaping the country's future. The story ends with the events taking place because of the infamous anti-Sikh riots. The story does not have a definitive ending, just like a normal novel. It is a journey which can never end as Delhi continues to grow with time.

What is more splendour about this book is that it took twenty-five years for Khushwant Singh to complete the book. He had dedicated the book to his son, Rahul Singh and his friend, Niloufer Billimoria. This reflects the amount of research which would have gone into this book. When you read the book, the tale of Delhi floats in front of you. He has made the description of every incident perfect so that the reader won't feel anything left out. We have always heard that Delhi is an old city and has many stories to it, but we have never encountered them. Khushwant took the responsibility and gave us a detailed look of Delhi with a story to it. Khushwant Singh had once fondly mentioned regarding the book, 'History provided me a skeleton. I covered it with flesh and injected blood and a lot of seminal fluid into it.'

At 391 pages, this book is a delight to read. The hard work of twenty-five years is visible in the book. A lot of research has been taken, and he interviewed many people so that the details mentioned in it are accurate. Even the story linked to it is beautiful. Only Khushwant Singh can describe a scorching summer afternoon in Delhi in such a way that you would fall in love with it and long to enjoy that moment. The beauty of the clinking of glasses to sitting near a lake enjoying the setting sun, Khushwant Singh describes all the events in a way that the reader would fall in love with it.

You must have read his other books, but 'Delhi-A Novel' is a book that no one should miss it. It is a picture book of the history of Delhi and the many events which had left Delhi scarred for life. I would suggest everyone to read this book and enjoy the beauty of Delhi like Khushwant Singh used to enjoy it.

Until I upload my experience with another book, till then take care, be safe and keep on reading. Cheers.


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