My Experience with Ghostly tales from the Indian Hills

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In continuing with the tradition, this week I would be writing about a book written by the famed Indian author, Ruskin Bond. The book is called 'Ghostly tales from the Indian Hills.' They have included the famous story of Captain Young's Ghost in it. My quest for reading horror stories led me to the master storyteller.

Ruskin Bond is no stranger in the literary circle. His wide variety of books starting from children's books to horror stories to autobiographies, every story feels like it has been taken from the slice of life. The beauty with which he describes all the elements of the story is beyond words.

Ghostly tales from the Indian Hills do not differ from his other books. I mean it is quite different but the mannerism and the beauty of Mr Bond's play with words are quite mesmerising. It is a collection of twenty-three short stories set across unique places, but what remains common is the horror.

It was very hard to choose the best among the stories. Each story guarantees you the chills you would get after reading every story. He hides the eeriness among the lines of the stories. As you continue reading one story after another, the horror takes a grip on you.

Not sounding biased, but I would like to note down some of my favourite stories among all the other stories. It was very difficult as every story is beautifully filled with the chills of horror.

 It was very difficult as every story is beautifully filled with the chills of horror

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The book begins with the famous story of 'Captain Young's Ghost.' This story marks the beginning of a journey of horror.

'The overcoat,' 'The Black Bird,' 'A Face in the dark,' 'The Haunted Bicycle,' 'The Bar that time forgot,' 'The Wind on Haunted Hill,' 'The face beneath the pillow,' 'An incident at the morgue,' 'Three in a bed,' 'Would Astley return?' and 'Behind the wall'.

I knowingly did not give out any details about the story because that would kill the mystery. The beauty of all the stories is the mystery behind the characters involved in the story. Ruskin Bond magically weaves the words, creating a world of horror which looks so realistic that you feel like it is happening with you.

At 207 pages, this book is an ultimate page-turner. You just cannot put down the book after completing a story. Every story is unique from each other, making the book even more special. Even though the stories are set in the same town. The stories would make you wonder that how come so many horror stories can take place in a single place, yet it is the magic of Ruskin Bond which makes you believe that anything can happen when the wizard is spinning his wand.

As I had mentioned earlier, (inset) I had recently started more horror stories, but I lay the foundation from this book. My love for horror books started sometime back, and at that time, I came across this book and I read it. This book intrigued my interest, and I started searching and reading more and more horror books. I am still undertaking the journey and I believe that this journey of reading horror books would never be complete.

If you love reading horror books, I would suggest you should read this book. It would definitely give you the chill and would make you jump from your seat by the way he ends the stories.

Until I upload my experience with another book, till then take care, be safe and keep on reading. Cheers.

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