My Experience with River of Smoke

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The Ibis trilogy is not just a collection of three books based on a real-life incident. It is a collection of emotion which are woven together to create an experience which the reader would cherish for long after completing it.

This week, I would write about the second volume of 'Ibis Trilogy'. 'River of Smoke' takes the story forward from where 'Sea of Poppies' had ended and introduces new geographical locations and characters. The story starts to brew in this edition, which would lead to the epic conclusion. Mr Amitav Ghosh has left no stones unturned in providing you with the excitement, happiness, and the goosebump moments. The untangled connections start to connect, and characters meet each other and taking the story ahead with them.

Unlike the first part which takes place in Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta) alongside the river Ganga, this story takes place in the Canton. In the first part, the book talked about opium production, while in the second part it dived into the distribution and consumption in China. The visualisation described in the book is so beautiful that you could literally visualise China during the 1830s. Mr Ghosh has made it a point to describe every nook and corner, including the mouth-watering delicacies which play an important part in the story.

When the legal becomes illegal, is the moment when the problem begins forms the crux of the story. What makes the book so interesting is the impeccable grasp of the story with the historical events. The story goes on at its pace revealing many new facts, and there won't be amount where you would feel as if a part was added unnecessarily. My experience with this story was sublime, as, with so many characters and such a huge storyline, you are bound to get confused but it is Mr Ghosh's perfect swish of the magic wand that you would recall every character at any point they are introduced and you would remember the last time they were mentioned.

While the first part was the beginning, with some characters coming into the picture, the second part takes the story to the next level from where there is no looking back. The plot is stylish, and the way he describes the scenes, I could see myself with every character. I saw all the places mentioned, and it made my reading even more interesting.

The research put forward in this story is clearly reflected in this part when Mr Ghosh displays various parts of China through the eyes of various characters. He takes the route of proceeding the story from various eyes in the story, which makes it more interesting.

The opium history is tragic, but he has shown it in a different light and the author's sympathy towards the Chinese during that time is visible

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The opium history is tragic, but he has shown it in a different light and the author's sympathy towards the Chinese during that time is visible. There are no rights and wrongs in the story. Everyone was equally responsible for this horrendous event. But enough said the story is not about glorifying a country and disrespecting the other. When I had read the brief about the story, it intrigued me. The book not only provided me with much detailed information but also made me a different writer. It gave me insights on how to create big stories, bring on characters and moulding them in the story smoothly. In this part, the flow is perfectly maintained, so it ends at a point where there is no other option than the start of the first opium war.

When you were done that there would be no more characters or twists, you are introduced with one and simultaneously enhancing the plot. As you keep on turning the pages, you are hit with new information and you won't be able to stop until you devoured them all, but then you find out there is a third and the final part where the entire drama unfolds.

At 553 pages, River of Smoke is an ultimate page-turner. The day I finished the first part, I picked up the second part and started reading it. I could not rest until I finished up the three parts. Trust me, I even took leave on some days so I could read the book in peace and my entire weekends. If you have started with the first part, I am sure I do not have to tell you to go ahead with it. 'River of Smoke' is a worthy sequel to the first part and an ambitious prequel to the final part of 'Ibis Trilogy.'

Until I upload my experience with another book, till then take care, be safe and keep on reading. Cheers.


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