Chapitre II. New case

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17:09 Drift Street, London
We arrived twenty minutes later, and the first thing we managed to see was the displeased Lestrade. He was standing with a cigarette in hand and a sad face.
- What kind of surprise did you prepare today?
“Hello, Sherlock. Hello John„
John and Greg shook hands, and before he could look towards Holmes, he coldly and quickly entered the house to inspect the crime scene.
L: Detected dead couple, Caroline and Bryan Phillips. *Lestrade showed John their photos.*
J: They seem to me familiar...
L: They were former agents of Scotland Yard, featured in the corruption scandal approximately a  month ago, which is why they were kicked out. They were found two hours ago.
J: Let's get on then. We need to observe the bodies.
It was a simple flat, resembling 221B, but an older one. It needed a repairment urgently, because the walls were ancient and a bit wet. The door was made of a birch tree, it had more than sixty years old. But suddenly, John found out that the lock was new. When he turned to Sherlock to mention that, he said while observing the stairs:
- The lock was installed several days before the death. They were suspecting someone of the surveillance. By the way, look up!
Then, Sherlock pointed at the camera.
- Lestrade, did you monitor the camera?
- It is useless, it hasn't been working for four days.
J: Well, the hall won't help us.
Sherlock looked at Watson with a disapproving smile.
- Look at the handrails. They are very old, but sharp. There's a tiny cloth which was hooked on a rusted nail. Look at that. It's soft and very thin.
J: It's worth a great sum of money... It's a woman's one, isn't it? So, someone was hurrying up while going up the stairs and didn't mention the nail staring. But how did this someone go through the new lock?
- It was shut... Maybe it was someone close to them.
Lestrade intervened the dialogue:
- Neighbours said that the couple was very attentive recently and didn't speak to anyone.
J: They were afraid of being noticed...
Sherlock rapidly went upstairs and entered the room where the operative group was continuing its work.
The place was in mess. The table which was placed in the center was filled with newspapers and documents which could help in the case. A dead male body of Bryan Phillips was sitting at it, leaning on the back of his chair with eyes open.
His wife, Caroline, was laying on the floor. It was obvious that she fell off the chair and went quickly to the door, but then fell unconscious and never waked up.
Lestrade and Watson followed Sherlock and Greg said:
- The reason of the death - heart attack.
John quickly asked:
- Who was first to be dead?
- Both, at the same time.
Sherlock entered the conversation after observing the bodies:
- In addition to critical lack of sleep, they led a sitting way of life. Caroline had anorexia, and Bryan was addicted to smoking, there's a full ashtray nearby.
L: Sherlock, you sniff out the cigarettes faster than anyone else!
S: I don't smoke, Grammy!
L: I'm Greg!
J: Calm down both! Sherlock, go on.
S: These are the main causes of a heart attack generally. But it's too obvious, they were agents in the past, they had a lot of enemies!
Lestrade was out of patience and said: - Okay, that'll be fine. Send it to Molly for examination, there is nothing more to look for.
When the group began to sum up the evidence, Sherlock once again looked around the corpses. In the last minutes of their lives, they were in a sitting position for a long time.
There was the impression that they carefully searched for something among the documents, like compromising facts, but on whom and why?
J: Sherlock, are you here? It seems to me that you're flying somewhere.
- No, I was just thinking about the case...
- By the way, who found the body?
Sherlock went quickly downstairs with John and found angry Greg, shouting at Anderson.
Sherlock whispered to John: - Of course, this moron was working there, why didn't we mention him?
John giggled.
L: What? Are you crazy? You just let her go like that?
A: It wasn't my fault, she just slipped and I was very busy!
L: The thing I'm now convinced that you're very stupid!
S: What happened?
L: He missed the witness, she found the bodies and called the police. What was her name, Anderson?
A: Miss... Miss Carter. Well, I'm sorry, I'm not guilty in it!
Then, they found Mrs Hudson, running quickly to the house...
John said: - Um.. I didn't know Mrs Hudson is such a splinter *smiles*
- Sherlock, Johnny, a letter came to you here, though I don’t know when it was left. Now I need to go shopping.
- What about the house?
- Oh don't worry, I left it to my friend, she's there. And you'd better learn to check your mail!
With these words, she quickly quitted the crime scene.
It was an unsigned envelope, made of very old paper. It contained three dried leaves...
John said: It's just a joke of someone, throw it away. We have to go home.
But Sherlock saved it in the pocket with no idea who could send it. His sixth feeling advised him to return home as soon as possible...

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