Chapitre VII. Lost in the puzzle

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08:31, 221B Baker Street
John entered Sherlock's room. He was sitting in front of the wall with a spidergram on it, filled with notes.
- Sherlock, are you okay?
- How is it connected... Oh, morning, John.
- I think we need to go to Lestrade again. I think, he didn't tell us enough.
- We're so short of information and evidence, and no news from Scotland Yard... How can Lestrade help if he's as empty as we are?
John sat next to Holmes and began remembering their dialogue, but everything was used earlier. But then...
- W- Wait a second, I need to reassure something.
He sat at the table and opened his laptop and began tapping on buttons really quickly.
- What's that in your head, John... - Sherlock said to himself, - I'd like to be a special place in your memory, but I'm afraid I can't...
- Sherlock, come here!
He quickly came to him and showed a surprised emotion, looking at the monitor.
- Where did you get it?
- It's the official site of Scotland Yard, the news about the corruption scandal with the Phillips, a month ago. Lestrade told me about it when we were attending the crime scene.
- You're a genius! Let's go, we need to make him talk.
- Sherlock, wait! I need to ask you something.
His sociopath stood in front of him, putting his scarf on.
- Is it true that Yolanda came to you the night I was almost on heaven?
Sherlock smiled and said:
- She cared about you. That's why she came. We'll do everything possible to find her, dead or alive.
- Promise?
Sherlock felt real pain of promising him this, but then he said:
- I promise for you, John. Hurry up!
Holmes and Watson were standing in front of the door of Inspector in ten minutes.
- Lestrade, how dare you?
- What are you doing, Holmes? Did you lose here something?
- Corruption scandal. The Phillips. Why didn't you say anything about it?
- You didn't ask!
- It's maybe a main clue to the killer, and you didn't say it because of that?
Lestrade aggressively stood up and told him:
- It's neither our division, nor yours. Step back and say any other reason of a heart attack.
- The majority of documents is away, two of your most precious agents..
- Corrupted agents!
- Are dead, and it's your duty as an Inspector to tell us the truth!
John stood quietly and observed the confrontation. Lestrade breathed and said:
- Garnett. He was a businessman and our chairman. He was the one who witnessed the corruption and fired them. He's been absent for a week now. That's it, I've told you everything I know! Now go and don't you dare to continue this work. We're closing the case.
John protested: Why? We're so close to the end!
Lestrade said: The conclusions will be sent away until 9 pm. You're free.
Sherlock and John went out. John said disappointedly: - I can't believe it, I thought Lestrade was on our side!
Sherlock said: He never was. It's about his work, and he can't say the other word. And John, - he came closer to Watson, - we're not close to the end. We're lost. And maybe, it's the one good reason for now.
Sherlock prepared to go, when he heard the door opening, and John came in the Lestrade's cabinet.
- There was a witness, Miss Carter, as Anderson said. Do you know more information about her?
- Only address. And that's the last thing I tell to you.
In several minutes John went out of the room and prepared to go, ignoring Sherlock. Then, he grabbed John's arm and whispered severely: "Where are you going?"
- To save Miss Carter.

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