Chapitre IV-addition

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St. Bart's Hospital, 14:36
- Well, the pulse is stable, the injury is not severe, after the operation you look much better. Have a rest, I won't let anyone in to you.
John thanked the doctor and turned his head to the window. It was autumn, and yellowing leaves were slowly falling from the trees, dancing with the wind. Vivaldi's "Four seasons" would suit here a lot, but at every mention of the violin in Watson's head, a storm and a sparkling battle of conflicting thoughts were beginning.
John had almost fallen asleep, but suddenly the door of the chamber creaked slowly. It was Sherlock who came in, out of breath with red eyes.
- John ...
- The doctor said that he would not let anyone in, - John said in a disappointed tone.
- Be quiet, just be quiet, please ... Sherlock walked over to John and laid his hand on his weakened arm. John turned away in silence, but his face showed that he wanted to speak out. Sherlock ran his fingers through his hair so that it would not interfere his eyes, and John said: "How is Mrs. Hudson?"
- She has a slight concussion, but managed to dodge quickly. The killer, however, is dead...
- Is she here or on Baker Street? - John seriously added.
- Mm ... She's already at home.
Sherlock couldn't take his eyes off his friend's face. It was very painful for him to look at John's sufferings and pain. A lump in his throat prevented him from speaking, and his hands were shaking with emotion.
- John, I ... I want to apologize.
Silence followed. After that, he was ashamed to look a colleague in his deep and wise eyes.
- Truthfully, I could not predict what could happen, because I'm an idiot.
"Yes, you're a damn idiot."
- Therefore, I hate myself for that...
- And I-
John wanted to synchronize the words of his friend, but stopped. Sherlock looked up and waited for the continuation, and finally finished:
- Do you hate me?
John was running out of patience, and he got up on bed, clutching his stomach.
- Lie down immediately, what are you doing!
"You know that if you had not stopped me, I would have managed to kill him and not to become his victim!"
"I tried to protect you!"
- For your own purposes! There was an old woman dying, a young girl was in danger, but you preferred to protect ME!
He got up even more and grabbed him by the coat:
- Speak, you bastard, why are you doing this? Why do you break the hearts of everyone, why do you put everyone in emergency, holding me in front of the abyss? Speak! Speak right now!
- Because I love you, John!
There was a deathly silence. John fell powerlessly onto the bed, staring at the ceiling, and Sherlock ran to the door to call the doctors. He couldn't see anyone, but the only face he saw was Yolanda's. She was in a white cape, running towards the John's room and was fixing the mask. Sherlock ran to her to forbade her the way, and she said:
- Screw off! John will be safer in my hands!
Then everything was like in a fog: niveous robes revolved around John, like white moths. And only a lonely sable butterfly looked at him intently for a second before closing itself with coal wings ...

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