Chapitre VI. Love cards are open

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221B Baker Street, the following day

Finally John was discharged from hospital. He didn't see neither Yolanda, nor Sherlock. So, he decided to return home without warning.
He knocked thrice on his favourite dark-brown door, thinking about the start of a serious conversation with his colleague.
Then, Mrs Hudson opened the door and she was so happy to see John, that she hugged him very tightly and began to cry.
- Mrs Hudson, I'm after.. the operation, you'll destroy all my lungs)
- Sorry, doctor Watson, I'm just so glad to meet you here again!
Then, they asked each other in the same time about their health, and giggled again. Then, Mrs Hudson said:
- So, let's go to the kitchen, the kettle is ready)
- Oh, I need to go upstairs. There's so much work to do, you know?
- Of course, but you're just from hospital, you seem not really relaxed...
- Mrs Hudson, you never invited me so confidently to drink a cup of tea. What happened?
- Oh... It's about Sherlock, he's too active and angry these days, you should be aware of him.
- I'm a doctor, I'll calm him down if necessary. Sorry, gotta go!
Then, he got up quietly and opened the door a bit. Sherlock was sitting in a complete mess, full of documents and papers. If he wasn't okay with something, he just threw it away. Then, he shouted angrily:
- Because I've been discharged, - John said. Sherlock turned his head to him and stood silent, his face in surprise.
- Morning. Did you see Yolanda sneaking anywhere?
- John, are you okay?
- Better than always, happy, joyful! - He told him startling.
- Calm down, please, I'm trying to concentrate on the case.
- You're thinking about yourself again. Again! And you've found nothing better than make a mess which you definitely won't tidy up!
Sherlock sat quietly, looking at the newspapers and stuff.
- So, will there be any jokes? Was it the last one at the hospital?
Sherlock looked at John, his eyes getting upset. He quickly understood, what he meant. John was angry, but he smiled. He always did that.
- This... Thing was... True.
- Oh, Jesus, why it's not the first of April today...
- It's true, I swear! And always was... - Sherlock got up and made a few steps against John, and his friend was still leaning on the closed door.
- No, you're joking again! - But then John stopped smiling. He was waiting for nothing forward...
- How do you want me to prove it?
- Whatever, just tell me that it's truth...
Then, Holmes took hin by the back.
John felt goosebumps and perplexing murmured: "Sherlock..." His other hand was touching his friend's cheek. Sherlock had a blooming smile, and Watson's iris became wider. Then, his head reached John's, they looked into each other's eyes, when Sherlock closed them and, unexpectedly for John, he kissed him. Then, John's mind was in emergency state and he perhaps was able to fly, but not that moment. This intelligent satan still kept his sweet lips in his. Then, John touched his cheekbones and wanted to get into his coal curly hair, but then Sherlock stepped back, however he was still close to his love.
- So, now I hope it's clear to you, John...
He moved back to the armchair, like nothing happened, and shouted enthusiastically:
- Mrs Hudson, can we have a cup of tea?
And they've heard a quick answer:
- The kettle is still hot as hell, come down boys!
John murmured:
- It's the sweetest day ever...

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