Chapitre II-addition

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Sherlock and Jown were sitting in a coal taxi. There was a nervous silence between them, no one could start a conversation, but someone had to.
John was brave enough to do it first:
- So...
- Yes? - Sherlock looked at John, waiting for continuing. He loved when John spoke, his voice was very simple, but magical...
- Wh.. what do you think about the case?
- Something mind-pending.
- Why?
- I missed something. I saw enough during the investigation, but I didn't make all the connections clear...
- Of course, it was the first observation. Don't worry, the solution will be found.
The car quickly turned left to Baker Street, and John fleetingly put his hand on Sherlock's one to hold on.
In mind he frightened, because he wouldn't like to be shown as a stupid flirter, despite the fact he had some feelings to his colleague. Or he didn't have at all?
He was still waiting for him to pull the hand away, but nothing happened. Sherlock was looking through the window, without making a sign of noticing. But why? John was a bit confused, but pleased. His hand was coarse and the fingers were really thin. But still, they were so warm...
In two minutes, the car stopped and Holmes quickly went out of the car, coming straight to the 221B dark brown door. John paid the sum and followed him.
The door was shut, so Sherlock confidently knocked on it. Colleagues stood several minutes before they heard a woman's voice: "Coming!", and the door opened. A young girl in a long dress was standing on a map.
- Hello, you're Sherlock Holmes and John Watson? - she said interestingly.
- Obviously. - Sherlock pushed her to enter the room, and John smoothly closed the door.
- Sorry, he's not in the mood today, right, Sherlock? - John looked at him slightly angrily.
- No no, it's absolutely okay, don't worry about it. I need to hurry up, the kettle is already hot.
She reached for her plain shoes with one hand, and the other one was holding her dress.
J: Thanks, you've been really kind, but could you stay here a bit longer, miss..
John made a pause to hear her last name. The girl was hesitating, but Sherlock took John by the hand and said with a false smile:
- We have really much work to do, you'd better hurry up to return to the library. It closes in fifteen minutes.
- Wait, how did you... Oh, never mind, I have to go. Thank you, bye!
J: Come to us again!
Sherlock closed the door in front of the young girl, and John shouted:
- Are you out of your mind? She's very sweet and young, mind your language!
- I don't care, she's a simple human.
- She's still a girl! Why are you so cold to everyone?!
With these words, Sherlock pushed John to the wall, keeping his hands on his shoulders.
- John, you were observing her for the first time, you don't know who she is! Irene Adler also seemed sweet to me, but she's a courtisante, a killer, a dangerous human! - Sherlock shouted. John's mouth was almost open, and his eyes were slowly filling with tears. Then, Sherlock said with a calm, quiet voice:
- John, you should be more attentive and careful to people. Please...
Sherlock moved back and suddenly pulled out a ticket in his pocket.
- What's that, Sherlock?
- I took it out of her backpack, when she was speaking with you. It's her library ticket. Her name is Yolanda Garnett, she's 22 and she's our new neighbour, no need to thank me. I'm upstairs if you'll need me!
He quickly ran upstairs, and John was still standing in the hall with a girl's ticket, wiping the hot tears off the face.

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