Chapitre V. Time to know the truth

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12:14, Bart's Hospital
The doctor said that another one operation made a miracle and John would be free the next day. And John liked this atmosphere. It was warm outside, and Yolanda visited him every day, and of course, she took him out of the bed before the hospital discharging.
They were walking hand in hand, looking at the golden leaves falling from the dry branches on the ground and making a cracking noise when stepping on them.
Yollie, that's how John called her, seemed to be happy even inside. But John... He was thinking about other thing. He was imagining absolutely another person touching his hand, talking tenderly with him, joking and smiling. This person wanted him to be in safety, but John finally defended people he loved. But what's the price?
He didn't think about Sherlock's last words at all. "It's his trick, a very stupid trick, just to make me shut up." But every minute after this confession, he was messing himself with sympathies to this man. So, he decided to talk to Yollie about him...
- Umm, can I ask you something?
- But of course you can, dearie, - she responded clearly.
- What do you.. think about Sherlock Holmes?
Her eyes became sad, and she nodded her head slowly.
- He's a very puzzling creature, I can't see his soul or his feelings, sorry-
- No, it's absolutely okay, but what do you think of him? Is he a worth man to stay with?
Yollie watched him with an empty eyesight.
- I mean, like friends... Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Friendship, after all he did.
- Oh, I... I don't know what to say, to be honest...
They sat on a bench and she took his arm by her two soft hands.
- I don't have an answer, you need to talk to him face to face... And, I'd like to say something sacred, but I need to hear that you'll keep it in secret, especially to your friend. Promise?
She kept his arm tight while looking at John. He said:
- Of course, whatever you say, I promise.
- Okay... I met with him the evening when you were so close to death.
Then she spoke about the secret dialogue between her and Holmes.
She entered the room and heard tragic sounds of violin. It was Requiem, and she was trying to be as silent as it was possible. The door of the main room opened, and Sherlock stopped playing and said:
- Did you like it?
- I love musical instruments, but not the violin. Once in childhood I broke it down and I was happy to see it destroyed. You know what I mean, Mr. Holmes?
- I'm a sociopath. I know every phrase you're going to say, but you need to prove it.
Yolanda sat in front of him, and Sherlock said:
- Tell me what you've done on the night of murder.
- I... What murder? I didn't kill anyone, it's not me!
- Who motivated you to do it?
- I am not the killer! You've made a mistake! I was attending your house by mistake, that's all! Do you believe me?
- Okay, let's start from the simplest. You were planning to visit us, and of course, not alone.
- What do you mean - not alone? Yes, I met John then, stop being jealous!
- Watson was walking from Scotland Yard's office, when you noticed him and signaled the killer to follow you on safe distance. He asked you about the package you were holding, and you just said that it was a present for Mrs Hudson. Then, John went in the flat and told you to stay in the hall. You took the violin out and opened the door for a killer. Mrs Hudson noticed you and was planning to run upstairs to warn us, but you already hit her head with the violin. You were in panic and decided to stop the operation and you've called us for help. The killer was misunderstood and decided to shoot you. I think you remember the rest, don't you?
Yolanda was disgraced and shocked. She stood up quickly, but didn't find any other words than "How dare you?". Then, Mr Holmes stood up, took her slightly by the chin and said:
- Now it's your turn to tell the truth, Miss Yolanda Garnett. Or should I call you Miss Carter?
It was really unexpectedly for John to hear it. Now he understood everything, and he was planning to return to his room, but Yolanda stooped him:
- I reckon, I wasn't the killer! Please, forgive me! I was so scared about you, l couldn't predict this all stuff!
- Yeah, but you were planning to shoot someone of us. Maybe even me...
- No, it wasn't me who decided to do it! Please, - Yollie whispered in the John's ear, - keep it in a top secret. It was.. Moriarty.
- You and.. Jim...
Then she looked at him frightened and quickly stood up. She said:
- I hope we'll meet again, but remember, this can be our last rendez-vous. Goodbye, John.
And then she walked through the gate of Bart's Hospital without looking back. John was still sitting on a bench, overthinking all the amount of information...

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