Chapitre X. Happy end, so far

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- The famous bloody psychopath is here. Someone once said, "All aboard", huh?
- You're still blackmailing?
- No, just telling your pet that his master is stupid.
- Why did you make such a confession, you just got that?
- No, but I'm so sad... - Moriarty made an awfully crying voice ,- I've showed you so many hints, and you found a clue just today!
- Name them.
- Yolanda, for example. I see, you're not interested in Greek language... It's gonna be so difficult to you soon...
- Of course... It's a Greek name, symbolises "purple flowers".
- As purple as lady's glove, or digitalis purpurea. It was her idea to poison the Phillips, by the way.
- She was working at the hospital, that's how she got it. She came to the agent's house, telling that she found more compromising facts on Garnett, and poured the poison in their cups. What a brilliant plan...
- She made it by herself. However, she was so inattentive, because she teared her dress and didn't hide a bow in your flat properly. But it's okay. It was a rising star in my constellation...
Sherlock was listening to him and temporarily observing John, but nothing came to his mind. It was a catastrophie...
- So, let's get to the main act. Sherlock, if you're so used to end all cases, you should end this one. You liked performing them in childhood, didn't you?
Holmes made furrowed brows and asked, what Moriarty proposes.
- You know, this couple stepped on a wrong way. They decided to stop corruption in Scotland Yard by suing the compromising facts. They would use a plan B, if anything went wrong. They installed the bomb in the basement of the building, and Yollie found the remote accidentally. So, Sherlock, do you get this? - Moriarty showed him the device.
- Do I need to stop the bomb?
- Not exactly, my dear. I give you a choice. What is more precious to you - a best friend or the most powerful state building in Great Britain? Choose - John or Lestrade. One human or hundreds of lives.
- That's a manipulation, Moriarty!
- But the situation doesn't change. In three minutes everything will be over. Think.
The sights of colleagues closed up. John was asking mentally, what can be done, but Sherlock knew nothing. Then John gasped and said:
- You need to leave.
- I understand, that soulmates don't want to break up, but I don't want to miss this moment! I needed to bring popcorn...
Moriarty put the remote on the table and gave his revolver to Sherlock, saying:
- Only one bullet, sweetheart. That's all what you need.
He slowly started going directly to John. His hands were trembling, and his eyes couldn't be away of Watson's one. Each step was similar to a heart beat, and sounded with a magical sound. It was harder and harder to breathe...
And now, Sherlock's hand is lifting, and he checks the revolver, sticking it to John's heart. John's eyelids lose some bitter hot tears.
- So, that's it. My act is over. Bless you, Sherlock Holmes.
- It's never over, John Watson. It is continued playing no matter what happens.
And suddenly he whispered: "In honour of Rosie".
- Of whom?
Sherlock quickly turned back and hit Moriarty's face with the heavy revolver. He fell on the ground, and Holmes quickly came to John, asking:
- How are you, John? Tell me, are you okay?
- Sherlock, I...
And now John felt, that Sherlock takes his pulse, pressing his thumb to the wrist. His another hand touched the cheekbone, to prevent the tear falling, but then Moriarty cried: "You cheater!" and ran to Sherlock to kick him out of the window. John took Holmes by the coat and threw him on the ground, and Moriarty flew through the open window.
Sherlock breathed out, but still held John by the hand. John sat near him and said:
- Maybe, need to call Lestrade?
- Don't overdo it, John :)
They both laughed and sat, staring at each other.
- I'd like to ask you, who is Rosie?
- Once you've told me, that you don't have anyone to live for.
- Now I have you, Sherlock...
- Listen. Rosie will save us both. We will fall, we will lose close people.
When we won't be able to be on the bright side, she'll sit with us in the dark. And now, I will faithfully do her work - be near you, love you, and save you, as you did.
John was too impatient to get messed in Sherlock's black curls, and he finally did it. He layed on the ground, and Sherlock took him by the back.
- You never change, my love...
John pulled Sherlock to himself and they merged in a tempting kiss, sweet as sugar and fidel as no one can imagine.
Tomorrow, a new war will come. But today, let everything remain as it is. This couple has enough time to miss it. They feel the seconds passing with their heart echo.

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