Chapitre VIII. The start of the end

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An hour after the confrontation, London's suburbs
"Greenwood Street". John looked several times at the note, then at the houses, quickly looking for the same name on the brick wall. Sherlock was following John and looking forward. He said those disappointing words at Lestrade's office particularly for John to make him more confident in himself and his forces. He wasn't waiting for anything dangerous, but he still kept a gun in the pocket.
They found the flat of Yolanda "Carter" and knocked at the door. Then, they heard a crash behind the door and a female shout. John looked scared at Sherlock, who broke the door and ran in the first room, finding  poor Yolanda on the floor, bleeding severely. She was stabbed in a heart a second before... It was obvious that the killer got out the apartment through a broken window.
John quickly found a tissue and tried to stop the bleed. Yolanda breathed heavily and tried to say something.
Sherlock said:
- I'll call the ambulance, miss Carter, you'll be fine!
- Who did this to you? Please say the name, dear! - John cried.
Yolanda gasped and said: Library... Tick-ket... Last archive... Phone...
- But the name!
Yolanda looked at doctor, smiled and rolled the eyes up. John touched her pulse, it wasn't beating anymore... He shouted: "Yollie!" and hugged her, crying heavily.
Sherlock closed her eyes and put his hand on John's back. He looked at him, and Sherlock said:
- She sacrificed herself to the case.
- You've made your promise, Sherlock. We found her, alive and dead...
- But it doesn't mean that we need to stop the work. We have the clues. Let's go to library, my dear Watson.
John remember the evening when he met Yolanda for the first time, and met her library ticket out of his pocket.
- That was you who gave me this...
- We're close to end, John. Go now, I'll call Lestrade.
- But will he listen to us? - John said quickly.
- The main witness is dead, and his chairman is absent. How would you think of his indifference?
Library Westward, London
The old female librarian was sitting in front of the laptop. She was very busy with a magazine and didn't pay attention to the colleagues, telling:
- Afternoon. Didn't you notice that there's a break now?
- Obviously, we did, Madame.
She looked up at Holmes, cleaning her glasses to see him precisely. Then she clapped and asked, what was the matter of their visit. John showed her the library ticket of Yolanda, the dame looked at it and touched her telephone with trembling hands. Sherlock put her hand off it and said:
- We're investigating a very serious case, and you're the one who can help us to find the solution. Find last archives and books read by this young girl.
- But why can't she come here on her own?
Sherlock: She's busy.
John: She's dead.
The librarian observed them for a second, and said:
- Well, okay. Follow me.
John smiled to Sherlock and went in a dark dusty archive room.
- Garnett, Garnett... She came to us a week ago, begging for documents about the case of Phillips-Garnett scandal, but she never brought them back!
Sherlock said anxiously: What? And haven't you got any copies?
- Well, I presented her the original, and then we couldn't copy that because of technical error. She just slipped with these documents!
- And nothing is left, at all? Tell us the truth, - Watson said.
The librarian lowered the eyesight and said:
- A young woman came here a day before her. She asked to take them, I refused, and she made photos on her phone.
- Do you know her name? - Sherlock said vigorously.
- I don't know, but she had a phone call, as she said, from her husband Bryan.
- Are you sure? - John reassured.
- Yes, exactly.
- Have you got the Internet connection? We won't bother you more than five minutes.
She looked back and heard the visitor coming in the library. She whispered:
- Okay, but not a minute more! Take this computer. I'm off!
When the door closed, Sherlock said to John:
- We need to find her phone. Tap her number now.
- Is it possible to track her phone after all wasted time? Moreover, she's dead.
- Yes, John, believe me. It's our last chance to find the killer. Please...
John observed him and said: Okay, Sherlock. Let's do it as fast as we can.

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