Chapter 5 | O S T R I C H O N D R U G S

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M U S I C A L  P I T   S T O P: B E S T   I   E V E R   H A D  | |  T H E  U N L I K E L Y  C A N D I D A T E S

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M U S I C A L P I T S T O P: B E S T I E V E R H A D | | T H E U N L I K E L Y C A N D I D A T E S

M U S I C A L  P I T   S T O P: B E S T   I   E V E R   H A D  | |  T H E  U N L I K E L Y  C A N D I D A T E S

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Wassup suckers. It's me again. Here is chapter five. Hope my book is keeping you somewhat occupied. Life's really boring when you are locked at home with nothing to do, quiet literally. Ugh, just get over already. Bleh. Stupid Corona. Hope you like it.

(The chapter I mean. Cuz liking Corona would be so hypocritical and freaking weird).

P.S: A reminder to those who forgot. The bold and italic text is Ana's conscience speaking. The plain italics is her thinking. Do not get confused. Okay? Alright. Bleh, forgetful people. Just like me.


Ignore the weird typos and mistakes.


*slight trigger warning*




"YES." Luke and I have been going at it for the past half an hour, trying to decide the name for our project. We were supposed to figure out all the details today, what we were going to call ourselves and what this project was going to be based on. We had already decided it's going to be based on dance and firework photography. That was the easy part, but the name. Goddamn.

"No. I am not going to call us Tiny Yuden. Do you know how pathetic that is?" I cried.

"Why?! It's cute! It's got your name and my last name." He said, that arrogant smirk playing on his lips.

"No" I said firmly.

"Fine, then what do you suggest? Huh?" He said, placing palms on the table.

"How about you give another name first and I give it after that," I said.

"But I-" He started. I will not have another word of this shit. "You still want to come to my house Yuden?" I butted in. He shut his mouth and nodded.

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