Chapter 8 | T O I L E T P A P E R M U M M I E S

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            M U S I C A L   P I T   S T O P:  I N T O  T  H E  S T O R M | | T H E  B A N N E R S

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M U S I C A L P I T S T O P: I N T O T H E S T O R M | | T H E B A N N E R S

            M U S I C A L   P I T   S T O P:  I N T O  T  H E  S T O R M | | T H E  B A N N E R S

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Okay, this gif, probably gives you a hint of what's gonna hit you in this chapter. The squad's back bitch! They gonna put all those princess slumber parties to SHAME! And don't forget, they've Mama Jay too! Also, just wanted to tell you guys to keep a lookout to subtle hints for.........something coming.

Totally unrelated but I love this song ^ ^ so much, and I just feel like this song fits these guys' friendship!

That's all I got for dis pre author's note. Haven't got any PSs this time. SURPRISE!!

Anyway, enjoy.

PS: Oops, just had to, sorry. I'm changing Ana's username from AnaBannana to Anarchy14.....if anyone cares.


Ignore the weird typos and mistakes.


"Okay Sid, you take the Left and I flank right. Got it?"

"My left or your left?" He asked.

Austin smacked him upside the head and Lexi hissed. "We have the same left you idiot."

I rolled my eyes, "Right, So now you go left and I go right. Got it?"

He raised his hand to his forehead in Salutation. It was honestly the third time I had seen it this week. "Yes Capn'!"

I nodded to him and Austin standing behind him with a determined look on his face. I looked back to Lexi standing behind me giving me a firm thumbs up.

I looked back to the couch where Luke sat with Ira, the two of them intensely eating chips as they looked at us with concentrated expressions. I rolled my eyes, chickens.

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