Chapter 17 | A N C I E N T C H I M P S

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M U S I C A L  P I T  S T O P: F O R T R E S S | | O P U S  O R A N G E

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M U S I C A L P I T S T O P: F O R T R E S S | | O P U S O R A N G E

M U S I C A L  P I T  S T O P: F O R T R E S S | | O P U S  O R A N G E

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Well well well.....


What an honour it is for me to finally meet all my fans. I hear ya'll have been begging SJ to buy me off of Ebay. Sorry ladies, but the Yuden is taken. If the guys here swing the other way (unless they play both fields), sorry gentlemen, this Yuden is TAYKEN. mHm.

It's Luke this time, filling in for SJ, cuz she has decided, people have heard enough from her, and I actually agree. All these days I've just been stuck in her head hearing all about you guys, but obviously I never could see any of you. BUT NOW I CAN. ALL 2.6k OF U. HAHA.

Aanyways, this chapter is laced with a bit of the badassness that all of you looove. And of course some of my very own awesomeness. So here's to you actually liking it. Enjoy.

PS: Happy belated Independence Day to the Americans reading this book! Ya'll crushed the Britts..... no offence to the British.


Ignore the weird mistakes and typos.


I wiggled my body, feeling a chill travel through me again. I don't know if it was the weather, or it was just my weirdass body. I was walking down the hallway, trying to get a hold of my laptop and papers, all sliding away as I sneezed constantly.

"Whoa there Snotty. Here let me help you." Ira's voice came from next to me as she took the papers from me. It had taken me all of Sunday to cram in my homework and all my essays. I had totally forgotten about the test I had in biology that I had today.

"ACHOO!" I sneezed into my shoulder again and turned away from Ira, who jumped away from me with a terrified look on her face.

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