Chapter 1

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Chris's pov
Okay the flyers are posted through out the town Jimmy, "okay Chris now we just have to wait for people to show up" Jimmy says. Well I don't think people are gonna show up so quickly Jimmy, "oh yeah there is like 4 people outside go let them in" Jimmy says, I open the door and 4 guys walked in but one definitely caught my attention. He was tall, had dark brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, a really cute smile, skinny and he had a really casual outfit style. I know I have only seen him for a second and he didn't even look at me but I am in love with him for some reason, once we interviewed the first 3 people we both were not interested in them cause they were really boring and was creepy. Once um well I dont know how name so imma call him dream guy, once dream guy walked in he sat down then looked at me. We locked eyes for about 5 seconds and then we both blushed, "Hi I'm Jimmy and this is my freind Chris" Jimmy says. "Nice to meet you Jimmy and Chris, I'm Chandler" Chandler says and shakes our hands. Oh my god his hands are so soft, wait I sounded creepy saying that in my mind. Nice to meet you too Chandler, he smiles at me. "Okay so what are some of the things you like to do?" Jimmy asks, "um well I like to chill with freinds, have fun and umm well I'm not a very picky person I will just about do anything" Chandler says. Okay what is your personality like? "Oh Chris most people would say that I am funny, stupid, entertaining and sometimes smart" Chandler says, "are you scared of anything?" Jimmy asks. "Pickles, spiders, snakes and enclosed or tight places" Chandler says. "Alright well give me and Chris some time to talk, go wait out in the room with everyone else" Jimmy says. "Okay" Chandler says and walks out the room, Jimmy he is perfect. "Well Chris I am letting join out trio so he will be working with me and you most of the time and will be on all videos only because he sounds cool and fun and i know that you are in love with this dude so imma give him a chance" Jimmy says, yay okay well let's go tell him. We walk out of the room and everyone looks at us, "okay so Chandler you will be joining our trio" Jimmy says. "Really thanks" Chandler says, once everyone left we walked back into the main part of the warehouse. Quick question Chan? "What's up chrissy?" Chandler says and smiles, I blush and smile back. How are you with being on camera? "Oh I love being on camera" Chandler says, okay good cause that's what your job is. You will be working full time with me and Jimmy on being in the videos for the YouTube channel mrbeast, "oh cool my freinds watch him. I'm subscribed but I never had the time to watch a video though so dont hold that against be darling" Chandler says, I won't. "Good" Chandler says and hugs me, I might be weird for saying this but I dont care. He smells so good, I'm bi but this man just turned me full on gay. He hands me a piece of paper and winks then walks off, I look at it and it is his phone number. The note on it says "call me when you can I wanna get to know you more and dont give ky number away I only want you to have it for now ♡", oh my god does he like me too. He most likely does cause he put a heart at the end of it, I can feel my face heat up then Jimmy walks up. "I think someone likes the new boy" Jimmy says, I playfully punch him in the arm. Shut up jimmy here he comes, about that time Marcus walks up. "Who's the new boy?" Marcus asks, his name is Chandler. Once he reaches us he looks at Marcus, "hi I'm Marcus" Marcus says. "I'm Chandler" Chandler says, they shake hands then Chandler looks at me. "Hey Chris umm wanna go hang out if your not busy?" Chandler asks and smiles, sure I'm not real busy anyways. We walk out of the warehouse and once we get to his car we get in, nice car chan. "Thanks this is one of many" Chandler says, it is the newest model of Tesla. "You wanna go get something to eat?" Chandler asks, ummm sure why not. We pull up at olive garden and park, once we got out we walked in. They seated us then gave us our menus and walked off after they took what we wanted to drink, we both got waters. "So Chris what are you goinPg to get?" Chandler asks, I was going to get the chicken alfredo. "Really I was going to get the same with bread sticks of course" Chandler says, we both laugh then order our food. Once it gets to our table we begin eating, "so chris I wanna get to know more about you" Chandler says. Okay, well my favorite color is white or blue, umm I'm 23 and my birthday is July 5, I dont really like the color red, I'm scared of heights, spiders and snakes, I get badly sea sick and I am bi so that is basically it. "Okay well I'm 20, my favorite colors are white, grey, blue and yellow, my birthday is December 3rd, I have all my degrees in law enforcement and medical services, I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters, umm i also get very bad sea sick, and i am gay" Chandler says and smiles. Okay now we know alot of things about each other, "yeah" Chandler says. Once we finish eating they bring the check out, I pull my wallet out and Chandler looks at me. "No I will pay" Chandler says, but. "No I got it" Chandler says, I lays a 50 on the tray then we walk out. We get into his car then leave olive garden, "well what do we do now?" Chandler asks. Well we can go to my house and play minecraft, "yeah I love minecraft one of the best games around well except for smash bros" Chandler says. Yes true fact Chandler, (time skip 4 hours). No way you just did that buddy, "oh yeah I just did chrissy" Chandler says. We both start laughing then there is a knock at my door, I open it and it is some random person. Who are you? "Um is Jimmy here?" The random girl says, uh no but you can find him at his house. "Okay thanks" she says and walks off, I close the door and sit back down on the floor beside Chandler. "I'm bored Chris" Chandler says, well what should we do now? "I dont know" Chandler says, wait I have this huge swimming pool in my backyard full of nothing but giant orbeez. "Woah really" Chandler says, yes really. "Okay let me go home and change into some shorts or something then I'll be back" Chandler says, okay I'll be waiting on ya. "Okay see you in a little bit" Chandler says and walks out.

Chandler's pov
I get into my car then I head home, I really really really like Chris and I've only known him for a day and I feel as if I known him for years. I walk into my house and change into some shorts, I grab extra clothes for when I get out of the pool. I pull into Chris's driveway and I knock on the door, he let's me in and we go to the back. "You don't have to knock chan chan" Chris says, okay well then I won't anymore. We both get into the pool and it felt weird at first but then is started to feel cool, we threw orbeez at each other and listened to music. I think it was about 3 in the morning when we both decided to get out, once we took showers I was going to walk put the door hoping Chris would ask me to stay the night. "Well Chandler it is really late and you're really tired so how about you just stay the night here at my place you can sleep in my room" Chris says, okay I'll stay but where are you gonna sleep? "On the couch" Chris says, no this is your house you sleep in your room. "I'm not letting you sleep on the couch" Chris says, okay fine then we will both sleep in your room. "Okay deal" chris says and stands up, we walk up stairs and into his room. It was well decorated and very clean also nice, I see some pictures of him and friends and some of which I would assume is family. We both get into his bed amd he turns the tv on, he open hulu and we begin to watch Adventure Time. Ah yeah I love this show, "same" Chris says. About 5 minutes in I feel something touch my shoulder, I look over and Chris is asleep on my shoulder. His arm is wrapped around mine and his head is lightly laid on my shoulder, goodnight Chris I know you probably can't hear me but I just want you to know that I may have only known you for a day but I feel as of i have known you for years. I really enjoy your company and this is probably the most fun i have had in a really long time, if i knew you for longer then I promise you would've been mine by now. Let me just skip to the point, Chris I love you and I will always love you no matter what. I dont know what brought me to do this but I leaned down and kissed him on the lips, he puts his hand on my cheek. My eyes go wide and Chris pulls back and smiles, "I love you alot to chan I say once we get to know more about each other let's see where life will take us" Chris says. Okay I am okay with that, he lays his head on my chest and we both fall asleep.

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