Chapter 9

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Chandler's pov
I wake up and I'm guessing that lastnight me and chris fell asleep on the couch, he is still asleep so I turn the tv on but not to loud. He wakes up and looks up at me, "goodmornig babe" Chris saus quietly. Goodmornig my love, he kisses me then gets up and stretches. I hear everybone in his body pop, we both laugh. Anyways baby we have to go to the warehouse, jimmy needs us, "Okay" Chris says. We both took showers (not at the same time 😄) and got ready to go, Chris was wearing some shorts and a sweater with some classic nike af1s. I put on some sweats, my white tee and my white nike af1s. We get into Chris's white Chevy and drive off, we get onto the interstate and out of no where this other truck comes speeding by and hits us.

No one's pov
911 whats your emergency?
Person- um yes I just witnessed a major wreck on interstate 45 by exit 32
911 dispatcher- okay and how many vehicles and people were involved?
Person- oh god um 2 vehicles and 3 people all males
911 dispatcher- okay how bad was the wreck?
Person- the w-white Chevy flipped 15 times and landed on the passenger side
911 dispatcher- okay help is on the way, I need you to stay clear of the vehicles.
Person- okay, this is bad real real bad
911 dispatcher- okay, how bad?
Person- the nice new 2019 model chevy is totaled and the other truck is too, I hope these guys are okay
911 dispatcher- me too, do you need me to stay on the line?
Person- no an officer just showed up
911 dispatcher- okay thanks for calling cause you just saved these guys lives
Person- okay and your welcome, bye
(End call)
About 5 offficers and 3 ambulances show up, then two helicopters. Chris amd Chandler were unconscious but still breathing barely, the other person was okay and highly intoxicated. Chris and Chandler got airlifted to the nearest hospital which was 25 minutes away, the other guy got sent to the hospital and after he was stable he would go to prisonbfor dwi and other warrants. Jimmy, Marcus, Zach, Karl and the rest of the boys rushed to the hospital. Chris was finally stable but the couldn't get Chandler to stabilize, all the boys go into Chris's room. He looks around and begins to freak out, oh no oh no no no jim where is Chandler? Is he okay? Please tell me he didn't die? Jimmy- Chris none of us know they won't tell us but they might tell Zach since he is family
Zach- okay I'll go ask
Chris- let me know what they say
Zach- I will bud

Zach's pov
I walk to the front desk, "Hello?" The woman says, um hi im Zach hallow my brother Chandler Hollow was in a bad wreck and I wanna know how he is doing. "I need your id" she says, I show her and she hands it back to me. "Follow me" she says, we go up to the icu and a doctor escorts me to his room. I walk in and Chandler doesnt look like Chandler, he looks loke a souless body thats been mangles by animals. "Alright sir were about to move him to a room so were gonna have to ask you to leave" the doctor says, I go back to Chris's room. "Is he okay?" Chris asks, um well yeah but you cant really tell its Chandler. They bring him in and put his bed beside Chris's, he looks at him the quicly looks away. "Oh jeez he looks bad" Chris says, "hey guys" Chandler quietly says. Hey Chandler, "hey Chan Chan" chris says quietly. "Cha-" chris begins, "dont chris I'm fine but are you okay?" Chandler asks, "yes im okay but you dont look so good" chris says. "Yeah I don't feel so good either but hey im alive" Chandler says, the docter come in and clean all the blood off of Chandler and stitch all the wounds then cover them with bandaids. "Alright chris you are relased just sign these lalers bit were gonna have to keep Chandler in icu for a few weeks caise he is not completely stable he just wanted to come see you fir a little bit" the doctor said, "Okay heres the papers" Chris says. Jimmy and Chris walk out and so do the other boys, "see ya" Chandler says quietly. See ya in a few weeks, I walk out and they wheel him out amd back to the elevator.

Jimmy's pov- I decide to stay with Chris until Chandler gets out just in case Chris need anything, once we get to his house he unlocks the door amd we walk in. He goes upstairs and I jear the shower turn on, about 15 minutes later he comes down wearing chandlers clothes. Yeah I can tell that these next few weeks are gonna suck for chris cause no one is allowed to see Chandler except for his mom and dad, and wife or husband but in our case there only engaged so it doesn't count. He comes and lays on the couch and cuddles up in Chandler's blanket, "I already miss him" Chris says. I can tell but we all know Chan he will find away out of the hospital early to come see you, "Yeah I know but I hope he don't caise I want him to be fully stable before anything" Chris says.

Chris's pov
All I want to do is stand by Chandler's side and hold his hand, but I cant. I feel as if the docotrs are keeping him from me but its better for him to stay up there, I hope he is okay cause if something happens to my baby I will go crazy. Jimmy is gonna stay until Chandler gets realesed to keep me from going insane without Chandler by my side, these next few weeks are gonna be different without Chandler saying something dumb and making me laugh or when we would always playfight and he would win but buy me my favorite blizzard. I eventually fall asleep with happy thoughts in my head about Chandler, I wake up and jimmy is standing over me with a plate in his hand. How long have you been standing there? "I actually was about to set your plate down then you woke up" Jimmy saus and laughs, I sit up and grab the plate. Thanks Jimmy, "your welcome Chris now eat so you can take your medicine" Jimmy says setting my pills beside a water bottle. Okay okay I will, once I eat i take my medicine then fall back asleep cause this type of pain killer can cause severe drowsiness.

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