Chapter 6

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Jake's pov
We were all at the airport fixing to board our plane to go home, Chris and Chandler are on their phones and me and Jimmy are talking. "Jake I'm bored" Jimmy says, well call your girlfriend then? "Yeah good idea" Jimmy says, once we were able to board our plane we got on it. It was only us cause we were on a private jet, once we took off I decided to watch a movie and Jimmy eventually joined. Chris and Chandler fell asleep, (at the airport), we were all talking in the parking lot before we all went our separate ways. I'm not gonna lie I was ready to just go home and relax by my self, like I dont see how Chris and Chandler are still hanging around each other when they were just stuck together for 2 weeks.

Chris's pov
I eventually got into my truck and drove off behind Chandler's car, we all wsnt our separate ways. Once I got home I unpacked my bags and cleaned up my house some, it wasn't that messy so it only took about 5 minutes. Jim calls so I anwser, (phone conversation between Jimmy and Chris).
Chris- hello?
Jim- hey, so Chris what is going on between you and Chandler?
Chris- nothing, why?
Jim- your lying?
Chris- no I-im not
Jim- since when did you studder?
Chris- okay fine you caught me, were dating now
Jim- awwww really about time thanks for telling me Chris
Chris- your welcome,
Jim- bye
(End of conversation).
Okay that was the weirdest call ever, I get a call and it is from Chandler.
Chan- um hey?
Chris- hey Chandler
Chan- no I'm not Chandler I'm his brother were at the hospital and he told me to call you cause he wants you up here
Chris- ok I'm on my way
Chan- okay I'll wait outside for you so I can take you up to his room
Chris- ok
(End of call).
I quickly grab my keys and wallet then I slip my shoes on and run out the door, I park then walk up to the door. I see this really tall guy and he kinda looks like Chandler so i think it is his fruits, your Chandler's brother? "Yes i am my name is zach" Zach says, my name is Chris nice to meet you. We walk in and go to his room, we walk in and i go over to him and he doesn't look so good. He is pale and over all sick looking, "hey Chris" Chandler quietly says. What happened to you Chandler? "When I got home I got real dizzy then I woke up here" Chandler says, oh well im glad your okay. "Thanks chris and thats why i love you" Chandler saus and kisses me, "wait yall are dating?" Zach asks, "yes we are zach?" Chandler says and smiles. "Well congrats you guys" Zach says, thanks "thanks bro" Chandler says.

Chandler's pov
Eventually Zach went home then they released me from the hospital, for some reason I was quite weak though. Chris helped me out of the hospital and into his truck, "okay so you wanna come to my house?" Chris asked, let's go to mine this time. I gave him my address and we drove to my house, once we get in the gate he parks beside my lambo. "Um why do you need to work for jim if you have enough money for all these sort cars and this big house that only you love in?" Chris asks, well I just wanted to meet new people but I work for the law I am a crime scene investigator. "That's really cool" Chris says, yeah not really cause I'm always dealing with dead people and most are kids. "Dang" Chris says amd helps me out the truck, I unlock the door and we walk in. We go upstairs and I lay down in my bed, oh come on Chris I dont bite. "Okay fine" Chris says and lays beside me, we cuddle up and I fall asleep hoping this will last for a lifetime.

A/N: sorry this took so long to get out its just writers block but I'm glad quarantine is over like finally haha

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