Chapter 8

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Jimmy's pov
I cant believe Chandler spent that much on an egagement ring, that much for a wedding ring I can understand but an egagement ring no. He lost his mind, "well how much was the ring baby?" Maddie asks, 17,000 after tax. "Dang that is pricey but it shows that when it comes to love money is not an issue" Maddie says giving Ava some apple juice, I guess so. We all eat dinner then maddie gets ava in ned then comes and lays beside me, goodnight babe "goodnight baby" maddie says.

Chris's pov
I wake up and quickly pull my self from Chandler's arms, I run to the bathroom and I puke everywhere luckily in the toilet and not on the floor. Chandler walks in tired and confused looking, he sits beside me and rubs my back. Once I finish puking I wipe my face off and Chandler gives me some water, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He lays me in bed and gives me one of his tee shirts to wear, I put it on and he lays beside me. I bury my head into his chest, I eventually fall back asleep. I wake up and Chandler is still asleep, I try to get up withoit waking him up but then someone calls his phone and he wakes up and anwsers it. "Hello?" Chandler said in a tired raspy voice, "who the fuck are you?" Chandler says confused. He puts it on speaker phone, "I am your girlfreind Chandler" random person says over the phone. "No you are not so don't call my phone again" Chandler says and hangs up, he blocks the number. He lays over in my lap and I look down at him, his hair is a mess but a cute mess. How could I find someone so perfect, he is cutest in every way. His hair is like gold, his  eyes shine brighter than stars. His smile is so symmetrical and perfectly straight, and most guys are players but he is loyal and honest also the most sweetest. I could go on for hours about how perfect he is, "get out of the clouds Chris" chandler says smiling. He sits up and I kiss him, we decide to finally get out of bed. We go down stairs and into the kitchen, Chandler grabs two bowls, two spoons the milk and cereal. He puts cereal in both of the bowls then the milk, he hands me my bowl and we sit at the table and eat. "So any plans for today?" Chandler asked, no unless you have something in mind. "Well i was thinking sonce summer is almost here I was gonna see if you wanted to go out and get a bunch of things for yourself also things for the pool in the back and I was gonna deep clean the house" Chandler says, okay yeah I can do that. "Okay" Chandler says and smiles, he puts his bowl in the sink and goes up stairs. I finish and put my bowl in the sink, I go take a shower and get ready for the day. I put on some black jeans with a blue graphic tee with a yellow beast frosted hoodie, I walk downstairs grab my keys, wallet and I put my shoes on. I kiss Chandler then walk out the door, I get into his car cause i don't want to take my truck. I turn the ac on and play some music, I pull up at lowes caise I know they have a lot of pool and yard stuff plus I really want to put a chandelier above the dining room table. I get a bunch of pool floaties and other things, I get some led strips that you can put in water. I get some lights to hang across our patio area, I get some other things for the front and back yard. I know we dont habe kids but I couldn't help but to buy a trampoline, I text Chandler and ket him know that two guys will be coming to install the chandelier. He seen it so I guess its okay, I got to the store a buy a bunch of food because why not. I was done with everything in about four hours, I decided to head home cause I was getting tired. I pull up and walk in. I hang my keys by the door and slip my shoes off, yeah i can tell Chandler was cleaning cause it smells like blackberries and razzberries and everything is perfectly centered. He walks out of the kitchen and he is only wearing his black jeans with a belt, where did your shirt go? I laugh, "I took it off cause I was getting hot" Chandler says and grabs my hand. He drags me into the kitchen and into the dining room, he points to the ceiling and the chandelier that I picked out was installed and in the perfect spot. The Chandelier I chose looks like this,

 The Chandelier I chose looks like this,

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omg I am in love with this. Chandler puts is hand in my waste and stands beside me, "how much was that?" Chandler asks lookong at it. 21 thousand, I say nervously. (A/n~ that is the actual price of that chandelier haha anyways continue to the story), "jeez that was pricy but worth it" Chandler says smiling. Anyways come help get the stuff put of the car, "I thought you took your truck" Chandler says. No I took you car, "Oh okay haha" Chandler says and laughs. Once we get everything on the house we put all the groceries away, "well lets get this stuff set up and put outside" Chandler says. He picks up a box and I didnt relize how strong he was until I seen him pick up this 240 lb box with ease, he walks outsode and sets ot besode the pool. We get everything elss outsode and inflate everything, once that was done we set up everything on the patio area. Once it was done Chandler sits on one of the chairs and I go over and sit on his lap, he wraps his arms around me. "Now our house is summer ready" Chandler says quietly, you sound so tired. "I am tired" Chandler says yawning, I get up and grab his hand. We go inside and he takes his shoes off and so do I. He lays on the couch and I lay on top of him, he falls asleep and soon after I fall asleep. Today was a long day, tomarrow will be a chill day hopefully.

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